Chapter 3

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“ Master he wasn’t there Neither was his friend, lilian!” well find them he cannot be mates with that girl she is too delicate to be with that family she must be killed…. find her and kill her if not ill have you and her head hanging on my wall plus your little mate…. Nicklous! The master said eagerly… “but master ?” go or you know the consequences…. 

Summers P.O.V

were walking to our room i guess that should be a good sign, i mean it should right…. Oh please don’t be anything bad….. oh if its anything bad thats just gonna rewin my day i mean seeing niall for the first time in a long time would have to be the bests thing that has happened tho me the whole day i just met his family and they are so kind i love the spot that i am in right now i really don’t want any bad news!

Niall just unlocked our room i see the bed and i just run inside and jump on the bed i’ve never sat on a bed a comfy as this i felt like sleeping then i looked at Niall and he was glaring at me i got up and apologised he said “oh no don’t worry” he sat on the end of the bed and i moved up closer to him i hold his hand and asked what was it that he needed to tell me.? he looked up at me and told me not to freak out i yelled and said to just get on with it and so as he did, he started with “ okay, i really don’t know how to say this but I’m a vampire and your y girlfriend, you see the things that vampires have is that we see our future with our girlfriends, or wives, or maybe even friends but, to us it is called a mate, and to werewolves it is called and imprint…. and please just don’t freak out but your my, my, your my mate!” i looked at him and smiled at him…. “ so whats gonna happen to me next?” i asked trying to keep my fear and tears in…. “ this happens to every mate, its not my choice to do this but you may turn into a, a vampire!” i looked down to the floor in shock, smiled and looked up at him and started to kiss him it started slow but it just started to get serious, wow i’ve never kissed a boy for this long. Then a few miunnutes later we herd screamig i hear running footsteps coming towards the door zayn opens the door and starts Yelling “ they’re back, its impossible, why, how did you know?” Niall yelled “who the hell is it” Zayn looked up at me “ and said “ Eliza and NIcklouse” then he fainted Niall looked at me in fear “ run, you need to run away from here!” he yelled i got up i looked at him and started to cry where do i go i cryed unhelpfully then we both hear from the bottom of the staircase “ ya know we can hear you! , no use trying to hide!” 

Niall kissed me on the lips and whispers in my ears run… now! he yelled.

Summers P.O.V

holy Fuck i don’t know what the hell to do! ‘’ run, now” so i run i jumped out of the window i end up in a garden of roses oh why did i do that, i get up i look around everything is soo blurry i can’t see a thing i fall back down… i look up Niall what have i do i’ve left him! i have to go back up then i hear Niall yell “run Summer NOW!” so i started to run then i fall down it just ends up black i can’t open my eyes… i hear some footsteps its a girl obviously cause i hear heels, she started to laugh and i knew this is why Niall wanted me to run! i couldn’t run, walk i couldn’t do anything it just feels like i tied up…. oh whattaya know! i am!

i wake up in the smell of smoke i can move i hear niall coughing i get up and try to see him then i hear him again” summer run!” i answers “No” very impatiently i tried to look for him and i started to scream as something just came through my back through to my spine i fell and started to cry… i looked up and Nialls there i take the knife out of my back in pain and try to cut the rope that niall is tied up in he falls onto of me and starts coughing in pain i get up and niall whispers in my ear “fire” i look back trying to keep Naill on two feet and I’m in shock, fire is just surrounding us i just can’t believe it holy Crap, i see stairs i walk up to them before the fire reached us i was trying so hard to keep niall steady on two feet with mine as we where walking up the steep stairs i hear punching ignoring it trying to make sure niall gets up to the top of the stairs safely then next thing i know Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis i smiled and then i fell they all helped us then the next thing that happened to me i that i pretty much just blacked out.

Nialls P.O.V

“Wheres Tracey!?” “its getting beggar” “Tracey” “Harry you need to put pressure on it” “Zayn get the needle!” “louis keep trying to call her!” “harry wheres the pulse?” “ its infected!” “Liam go see if Nialls ok”

i wake up on a table hearing all this yabber all the boys are surrounding this table.. i see liam is walking up to me i get up sore in the head “ niall you need to rest” oh god my head is just throbbing Wait… “Eliza, Nicklous! what happened” i screamed “Eliza ran of and Nicklous we eventualy killed with the gel of Jasper and Mathew.” he said taking his time i look around an it gets blurry every time i move my head… “ i thinks its best if you just keep your head in one position! you’ll feel much better!” i looked at the door and i see Tracey running in screaming” where is she, hows, she doing? i think to myself? she? she? my eyes widened open Summer.. Liam looked at me as if it was a bad thing i said that. i tried getting up but he was holding me down “ you can’t see her, she’s sick!” let me go i yelled as hard as i could “ i can’t… just listen to me!…. if she is still human she will make it barley… but if she turned already she gone!” i looked up at him What happened? i said to him softly… in a tone i like seriously never used before….. it was like i was about to cry! i looked across the room where summer was lying and all i hear is Tracey saying “Zayn hurry and help me its too strong!” thats the moment i just got let down!

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