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over the span of two years Amelia was reign over far lands that Donovan dreamed of conquering and set up trades with countries and help small town in need and abolished any city bold enough to attack her kingdom, she also went to the common areas and made peace with the commoners and gave them gifts and counsel those in need. She placed her father and mother in charge of Florida and other states , Shaq as her right hand and Julius her left as they helped keep control of things while she was away , she also put Artemis into preparations for kingship while she was in the mist of going through her sickness and setting thing up for Artemis to never fear.

MAY 18, 2018

Julius knocks on Amelia and walk in when he hears a soft come in and walked into the parlor and into the bedroom and seen the bathroom door opened slightly , he walked slower "Lia are you okay" "yes....I'm ...just getting myself together" Julius hesitated and then pushed the bathroom door open and seen Amelia starring at her reflection , she looked as normal as can be , but Julius was wondering why now a days Amelia would never look at a reflection and had all the mirrors caste away from her quarters and study area, as he turned to peer into the mirror he was struck with astonishment , not for the beauty of the person in the mirror but a decaying person staring back out at Amelia "its ugly isn't it" Amelia whispered while touching her face and watching the decaying corpse do the same "what is going on Lia" Amelia turned from the mirror to look at Julius " funny thing about magic is the side affects they don't tell you , I cant see or be seen in mirrors Julius because then everyone will see my true form" "but how come you look normal now" "because I wear a special lotion but the disease is eating at me day by day ....I'm just waiting when I don't see anything in the mirror one day" "don't say that Amelia ""but its the truth , I am a king ruler of all and beautiful by all, but in the mirror I am horrid and decaying flesh dying each day , by the second " "you have to tell Artemis Amelia " "i'll tell him someday""when Amelia? When you die or when he actually sees your reflection huh?" Amelia sighs "I'll tell him tomorrow ok" Julius nods and places a hand on Amelia's shoulder "tomorrow then" "yes know lets get on with the day " Amelia coughed into her hand and seen a large puddle of blood in her hand and seen Julius looking at her "its another side affect" Amelia said walking to the sink and washing her hands and joining Julius as they get prepared for that day.

I dont know how long I cant keep this face up , its like I'm coughing all my internal organs in my hand and I'm getting these damn headaches , but I cant let the people see me like this I have to be...strong , I knew something was wrong when my late husband bit me, now I might be crazy but I have this theory that my husband was bitten and happen to be caring this disease for sometime or its genetic , but then my husband was one sneaky son of a bitch , I have this strange feeling that he must of injected him self with something so that if he died then the disease goes to the winner and kills them off later in a slow death, so that in the end he actually wins.........damn.

"Amelia ....AMELIA" I snapped my head to the direction and seen Shaq staring at me "yes Shaq""girl did you hear a word I had said about the expansion to the west coast for more gremlins and unicorns "
I shook my head"no I didn't but please do whats best for them with getting that land" Shaq continued to stare at me but then broke her stare when the doors opened and Artemis came through shuffling to his seat "pick up those feet arty, kings do not shuffle" Artemis stopped and looked at me and smirked "yes mother" and he sat down" and why are you late for dinner arty , did you get lost ?" Artemis moved some vegetables to the side "no but I was having some fun in the portals and such" I shook my head "damn Julius and those portals, I should banned you from them " Artemis laughed "for what , you know ill just find another way to get through" Shaq laughed "its true Lia , Arty has no shame in other planets privacy "Artemis nodded and went back to eating "Artemis how is schooling"Artemis sucked his teeth "ugh mother , why do you torture me with this hate all my schooling plus I really want to eat Mr. Hearing he stays nick picking me , now if I ripped off his arm then i'll be the villain" I laughed hard until I stopped to cough loudly into a napkin and when I went to set it down "Amelia yo have blood coming from your mouth" Shaq said as everyone turned to me , I waved her off "some symptom I have now a days, I'm fine " as I looked around the table and stopped when I seen Artemis looking at me almost squinting his eyes as if he is trying to figure something out, I smile and excuse my self out the room , as I walked into my room and locked the door "how long do you have Amelia " I jumped as I turned and seen Shaq on my bed looking at me "not long " I sigh as I sit down "you look fine though" I smile as I walk to my mirror and beckon her to closer and peer in "OMG" Shaq looked backing up "its my true form Shaq ...its okay I have already can to terms with it " Shaq started tearing up and grabbed me"no we have to do something Amelia , there has to be some witch with a spell or remedies" I touched her hand "no Shaq , we have looked all over and there just anything to save me, its okay I have live long enough" Shaq tightened her grip "no Lia its not, so stop acting like its nothing wrong with you dammit" Lia sigh as she rubbed Shaq back


my eyes hurt so bad , my arms are painful to move and I cant quite get my heart to stop pumping so fast .... I don't think I'm gonna make it another day
"Julius call Artemis please" Julius nods and goes through the door only for a portal to reopen and Artemis steps out grinning "good morning mother , how lovely you look" he said while sitting on my bed , which cause me to groan out loud , Artemis looked at me hard "mother whats wrong " I looked at Julius pleading "your mother is sick Artemis " "well then lets go find the doctor to kill the cold then""its not that simple this is more like a disease""ok then lets find a witch then, I don't see the big d---" "I'm dying Artemis "I spoke clear even as pain blinds me for a minute "what , no mother you aren't dying , you look fine " Julius went to go get a mirror"no Julius I wish for him to see me in a nicer view" Julius stops and returns to my side "Mother you cant die , I don't want to be king yet I---" "Artemis Ortiz you are ready and as always been ready to be a king, I have no worry about that" "but-""but nothing ARTEMIS"Artemis looked away "arty , my dear arty don't be sad be happy that I can find peace " "but its the price of death mother, I wont let you die" I sigh and raise up slowly"take a walk with me arty" "are you sure " "yes now be the gentlemen I raised and help your mother " Artemis helped me into my slippers and robe

  we walked through the west wing looking at all our family history and the pictures of each royal until we stopped at me and Donovan's picture, Artemis looked at it for a awhile "mother , what was father like" I looked at Donovan "he was a brilliant and proud person and wouldn't want less of anyone or thing, though his flaw was he could never forgive" "how did he die""in war war " we walk until we get to the royal chairs and I seat in my seat which was the highest of them all , and looked at the empty room "Artemis give me your hand" Artemis grabbed my hand"mom your hands are cold " "Artemis , who am I " "that's easy your king of the mythical world and a strong woman that never backs down " "I don't want to be just that arty, I want to be known as a good mother, a wife , a lover , as Amelia Rosemarie Ortiz I want to leave with no regrets , leave something to remember that no one would forget" "and whats that mother""that I was here "I looked at the sun peeking through the clouds shinning lightly against my face "now tell your mother what you discovered on your last adventure in the portals" Artemis face brightened as he began to tell me his adventure , as I closed my eyes and exhaled for the last time.

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