The Gift of Fear

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*Luke's P.O.V.*

"GO PIKACHU!!!!!!"

"Luke! Are you seriously going to scream 'Go Pikachu' everytime you attempt to capture a Pokemon?!?"

"What? It's my good luck charm!"

My older brother groaned and focused on capturing a Pokémon with his phone. Ever since Pokémon Go came out, the children of the Nicoletti family had been hooked.... Well, mostly me.... But I did get my older brother addicted!

My older sister rolled her eyes and answered her phone, asking, "Hello, who is this?" After a minute, she handed the phone to me and asked, "Did you deliver a pizza to a Ezekiel Jones lately.....?"

Immediately, I handed my phone to my little sister and asked into the phone, "Hello?"To my surprise, I could hear Ezekiel through the phones speaker, "Glad to hear your voice, mate." "Ezekiel, HOW did you get my sister's phone number?!?" I asked, terrified. "I'm the world class thief, mate," Ezekiel cheekily said, adding, "I have your entire family's phone numbers saved in my contacts!"

"That's.... surprisingly not weirding me out." I side-glanced my sister, walking a bit farther from her. Ezekiel quickly added, "Listen, we found Timothy Mordred and we have a mission, so you need to come here ASAP!" "But I'm with my siblings at the moment...." I started, even as my little sister caught a Eevee. Ezekiel commented, "Hey, you wanted to be an Librarian, so being a Librarian means you need to do missions. Even if that means spending time away from family."

I didn't answer.

"You do want to be a Librarian, right?"

I nodded to no one in particular and promptly replied, "Yeah, I got it; a large double cheese pepperoni pizza. Be there in 5 minute!" Handing my older sister her phone, I turned to my siblings and stated, "I got a order to take; I'll be back in 2 hours." My older brother waved me off, even as my older sister gave me a weird look. Quickly, I took off for our home......

***Time Skip***

You know, I always thought that my first mission with the Librarians would be... cooler. I expected to go to a different country, like Japan, or England, or even Italy! In Omaha, Nebraska, the Librarians and the LIT's (Rita, Timothy Mordred, and I; Clyde stayed at the Annex with Jenkins) walked into Henry Dooly Zoo. "You do realize that this is the biggest zoo in the world, right?" I asked, as I spun around to face them. Walking backwards, I added, "It's mission is conservation, research, recreation and education...."

"Have you been here before?" Rita asked in a grumble, hands in her pockets. Rita's still pretty upset that the security guard held onto her weapons until we leave. "My family and I came here when I was 10," I replied, walking next to the immortal. Boy, it feels weird to know that a 13 year old looking girl is actually a thousand years old!

"Okay, let's split up into groups of 3." Colonial Baird ordered, as we gathered around her, "Flynn and I will go talk to the manager here, act as if we're inspectors or something like that. Ezekiel, take Luke; make sure you don't get into trouble. Jacob, you'll have Timothy; talk to the local life here. Cassandra, I want you to take Rita; look for any suspension creatures that are mythical creatures. We'll meet back here in a hour." Everyone agreed and we split up.

***A few minutes later***

Ezekiel and I walked alongside one another, as we watched the penguins swim in their pools. I was startled when Ezekiel told me, "Wow! Check this out, mate!" Hurrying over to the thief, I noticed that there was a small door hidden by fake vines! Ezekiel managed to squeeze in and told me, "Come on, mate!"

Hesitating, I followed Ezekiel, squeezing my way into the drafty tunnel. I pulled my red hoodie closer to my body, trying to keep as much warmth to me as possible. Boy, it was colder in her than outside!.... "AUGH!!!!" I screamed, throwing my hands up to my face at something licking at my face. Ezekiel helped me get the cobweb off of my face and hair, asking, "Dude, calm down; it's just a spiderweb....."

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN!!!" I basically screamed, shaking the Librarian off of me. Ezekiel raised a eyebrow as I sighed, "Let me explain something to you, Ezekiel Jones. You know how adults say that teenagers have no fear of death? That they're never gonna get hurt? Well not me, OKAY? I was born with the gift of Fear!

I remember always hiding from everything and everyone, always on the alert! Never being happy! It took me years to even come out of my bedroom for more than a few hours!""Soooooooo, why didn't you tell us this?

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I remember always hiding from everything and everyone, always on the alert! Never being happy! It took me years to even come out of my bedroom for more than a few hours!"
"Soooooooo, why didn't you tell us this?..." Ezekiel asked, looking confused towards me. I hugged myself, "I never told the Librarians or you because I've been SO ashamed! If Mr. Carson hears about this, I'll never be a field Librarian! I'll be stuck helping Jenkins and Clyde around the Annex! That's not all that bad, but still..... I wanna travel the world, ya know?"

Ezekiel fell silent.

I hesitated before I asked, "Are you gonna tell the others?"

Ezekiel pursed his lips and replied, shaking his head, "Nah, it's okay. I totally understand, mate; I'd hate being stuck with Jenkins all the time, even though we are friends." As we walked down the hallway, Ezekiel added, "I'll even help you with your fear, if you want......."

That's when the horrific sight came upon us.

And the smell.

We covered our noses as I replied, "What I wanna know now is why would someone cut up a bunch of wolves?"

Or were they.... nah, it couldn't be.

Besides, who ever heard of a Werewolf in a Zoo?


Ezekiel Jones and Luke Nicoletti are NOT, I repeat, NOT gay!!!! The picture is of Champ from the 2016 Goosebumps movie. Hope you guys are liking this so far!

The Librarians And The Werewolves In The ZooWhere stories live. Discover now