Chapter 1

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"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

  Lilly Thorpe sat crushed against the side of the coach, her older sister next to her, looking equally uncomfortable. One carriage was not enough for the Thorpe siblings and Lilly hoped fervently that the journey was almost over.

There were five Thorpe siblings and only one of them was married. The eldest, Richard Thorpe, was the Viscount Cutforth and had inherited that title from their father three years previously. His wife, Isabella sat next to him and they were going to see her family at her family home in Hertfordshire.

The next in age was Alice, who was betrothed and it was she who was pushed up against Lilly so uncomfortably. Lilly herself, at age eighteen, was the next in line and was neither betrothed or interested in it.

Her younger brother Oliver sat across from her. His boyishly handsome face placid as he stared out at the snowy scenery. Next to him was Arabella, the youngest at only thirteen who was bright eyed and eager, always ready with a question or a pretty response.

"Is the station very far?" Arabella asked hopefully.

"We'll be there in a few minutes," Isabella replied kindly.

"And just in time, the train leaves in ten minutes," Richard glanced at his pocket watch concern wrinkling his brow.

Lilly however, paid no attention to that. Her mind was far away, lost in the pages of the novel she was currently reading.

The heroine, a young lady with a tragic past, had been locked away in the bedroom while she heard the clash of swords between her lover and husband. It was all very scandalous and Lilly enjoyed seeing her brother and sister in law's shocked faces whenever she picked up a new novel.

Her thoughts however, were brutally interrupted when the carriage rolled to a stop outside the train station.

With much bustling and shouts, the Thorpes and their many bags were relocated onto the train. They found the compartment where, to everyone's immense relief, there was room enough for the six of them to fit comfortably.

Lilly immediately pulled out her novel and opened it, getting lost in the romance and scandal. However before she had read more than a paragraph Isabella spoke:

"Lilly dear, when we get to Hertfordshire, I do ask you not to bury yourself in your novels. I am sure my family would like to see you at some point."

"Yes, Isabella and they will," Lilly replied, eager to get back to reading. Isabella pursed her lips but said nothing.

"Oh, Lilly," a few minutes later Alice reentered the compartment, flushed and bright eyed.

"Where have you been?" Richard asked, frowning.

"I just saw the handsomest fellow in the next compartment," she smiled, throwing herself in the seat next to Lilly.

"You're betrothed," Arabella looked practically scandalized but Alice waved a hand airily.

"Oh please, I'm allowed to look aren't I?" She giggled, "I'm sure Isabella didn't have eyes only for Richard when they were betrothed, did you Izzy?"

"I certainly did. I had eyes for no one else," Isabella replied sternly though her mouth twitched slightly.

  Lilly tried to focus on her novel but found it increasingly difficult with her sister chattering away and the sound of Oliver's boot tapping the floor.

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