Day 13 p2
So the last part was cut short but this time it is going to be live action rose! Get out of heart do not forget john he must live even if I do not GO GO GO! "Why"? "Because if I do not" BAN BAN BAN "WILL TAKE OVER"...
DAY 14
"Today we went to Collinham train station and to our amazement there was a train of 2, carriages in the north bound side on the south bound side there was the London train so we all cleared it of the dead there was, an alive train conductor and driver we checked them both for bites and the 'super virus', they seemed clean of it we saved their lives so, they will help us not that we gave them much of a choices because we had food and water and guns so now they wreck for use now so we will head for Saltfleet. where is that there is an evacuation sit. we also ran in to a couple of my dad's friends so we gave them food and locked them up we are on the way to... what on earth... zombie! hoard get john we are leaving now" "yo boss we might not get out of this" "shut the fuck up does someone get me ammunition sorry about leaving the is won a little short adios.
Day 15
"Well the last fuoow months has bin living hell my mhen have bin give a no ground to be lost orede basicley stand until deth" "boss we have a nother hored in boundand the bandits are getting desporet to loot before... holdon... roger that the hords have gust hit the outer wall" crist sace thancs sargent. That is it for today adeyows."
Day 16
"wher to start my mhen have grown and we have a name to we call oure selves the british nasanull army ore ban I will put are flag as a scech so donto worey abot that you will get to see the regamentulls for ouer armey we are on the march with the hilond bragad and the British grad thay are oure flagg beras I will doodle the flag after this so have a good day" ("if you fied this that is")
Day 17
"so the last fuoow months have bin hell we have lost hae of the regamen and I am starting to laws count of wot day it is eney whay I showd you the collers that we have we are still marching bu we are gowing now wher food and ammow is low and the watter sopliyes are all but drunck we are having to drinck awer yoowering eney whay we got back to school we ranin to sum sorviver I fort that every won but us wher dead but we wher surprise sum haw the armorey sovived in tacked bu zombes had gonen ther way in the plas god nows haw it makes no sens but wot dos... blody hell aparentley I downt get eney time to myself bandit rad of fracking cores that is it for today"
Day 18
Day unknown
"well I thinck it is xmas day good will to all mancined hahaha it is a bot blodey time if it is a abawt 2 days ago we gotin contacked with the R.A.F it is a boot blodey time food watter cleen clowths amynashen it wos crist mas day eney whey they ternd up a gen to day and gave you some fiyer wherck run and soft drincks as xmas presens but the best presen wos havin jone say he loves me that wos a complet sopris as he has never sed that to eney won sins rose unforchentley died but it wos nis to heyer that god I miss her but no time to stop and think abowt that eny whay that is all for today good biy."
Day 19
Day unknhown
"Well that is it you whownt be hering hid nore tayell from me for a whyull because for som reson the nasanuls and I have to go save sum V.I.P. god ownley knows how so god knows when we will be back eney why whe hav to go to ghermaney good thing that som of us speck floownet german then and it is a good time to set up an over sees cell of the nashanull aremey eney why ther is a noow regamen I have called the chowsen rifull regiment in adishen to the hilanders, british gard licinsher bragad and the the midlands notinghamser regiment, naw we have the rifulls and the chowsen rifull and scermishersrejament rejament well that is to regiment but me the last regiment are for hard cor jobs we acwiyerd sum exspeshal frosis traning sharjents so thay will be wiping in to shap along with me eney whay that is it for today have a good won."
Day 20
Date unknown
Well that "V.I.P" ternd out to be the prins of England or sumthing he is a stuck up lital shit and he needs to be tort a lesshon I woodnot mined theching him that lesson the lessen is called respeck he is 10 and he is such a stuck up lital basterd he wons ever thing his own way and he wonts wot he wonts but not wot he needs god save him when we get back to home my dad is gowing to tear him a noow won and it is gowing to funey eney why in the rescuow orders we wher told to get him in to shap I thinck he will tran lalong sid the chowsen rifull and scermishers because he cood yoows the exstreem disaplin we brawt a long rang radeyow and aparantley the has bin a billding set up to hell tran us with the rifulls that we are yoowsing and allsow it will tran use in live fiyering of rawnds not that we have meny to sper so it is cinde of poyentles eney way speck to you in a fuoow dase hahaha this is gowing to be suck good fun adeyows
sorry for the spelling mastaces
famous last words
Actiondaniel simposon a boy of 13 is a bout to have is world desomated can he sovive the apocalypse and set up the British Nashanil army or is it all a pipe dreem