I Don't Want To Want You, but I Can't Help Myself

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(A/N - Sorry about this. This Chapter was Originally supposed to be posted before Rejection..Hurts.. however due to problems with Wattpad the chapter wouldn't publish but those problems are solved now so here it is. )

Stryker stepped into the bathroom his eyes never leaving me. I pulled my hands out of my pants, in embarrassment. 

"Haven't you ever fucking heard of knocking?" 

Stryker smirked at me, then grabbed my hand. Dragging me out of the bathroom and upstairs. I tried pulling my arm from him but his grip was too strong. 

"Let me go, Stryker!" 

He scoffed and continued to pull me along with him, while I pulled at my hand grunting and cursing. 

We reached a room and he opened the door, pushed me inside then came in after me. Once inside he locked the door behind him. 

He stepped closer to me and I stepped away from him. The whole time I was at cursing myself in my head. I should have stayed home. 

"Stay away, Thorn." I hissed. "I'm warning you." 

He got closer to me and tried to touch me. 

I balled my hand into a fist and punched him across the jaw. His head whipped quickly to the side. His head stayed where is was but his eyes rolled over to look at me and a creepy smile found it's way onto his face. 

He moved his jaw with his hand before turning his head to me. "You're fiesty." He mumbled. "I like 'em fiesty."

I quickly glanced over my shoulder, I was a few steps from being cornered between him and the bed. 

"Stop this, Stryker. If you're trying to freak me the fuck out. You've succeeded." 

"I've only just began." 

Being that I kept my eyes on his face, I didn't notice when he removed his belt. I stared at it in his hand. "What are you gonna do with that?" I stupidly asked. 

"Stay still and you'll find out." 

With that he pushed me back against the bed and immediately climbed on top of me. Sitting on me to hold me still. He fastened the belt around my wrists. I tried to to loosen my hand from the make shift cuffs but to no avail.

"Fuck! Let me go!"  I grunted trying to push him off me. 

He grabbed my t-shirt tearing it open. Now I regretted leaving my jacket downstairs. 

He stuffed the torn shirt into my mouth.

I mumbled against the t-shirt. 

He smirked  and leaned down to kiss my neck. I tried my best not to moan because I knew what I was feeling, was due to the drug from earlier. 

His hands continued to roam and rub my body. I squirmed and tried to get away from him. Soon I realized that I had lost my fight and was beginning to enjoy it. When he realized I wasn't struggling anymore he removed the t-shirt from my mouth.

"At first I was doing this to humiliate you but now I'm enjoying it." He smiled. "And now I want to hear your voice."

I moaned as his tongue made contact with my neck. Although I tried to blame it on the drug, I knew somewhere....deeeep down that I wanted this. 

As he slowly slid his hand lower he glanced up at me. "Do you want me to stop or can I keep going?" 

I looked at him surprised that he would even ask me my permission.

He kept going and before I knew it my member was in his mouth. I gave a deep throaty groan as I released into his mouth. Stryker glanced up at me, before re-attaching his lips to my neck. Which served as quite the distraction, to take my thoughts off of what he was doing with his hands. 

He gently prodded at my entrance with his finger. I hissed. "It hurts." 

"Just breath and relax." He mumbled pecking me on the lips. 

This time when I looked into his eyes, I could have sworn I saw love. Even if it was just there for less than a second, the fact that it was there at all surprised me. 

Another finger entering me, drew me from my thoughts. He slowly moved them in and out at a rhythmic pace, until I got used to it then he added another. 

He kept this up for a while showering my chest with butterfly kisses and whispering sweet nothings. 

This side of Stryker was new to me. I had to say if Stryker showed this side more often maybe he and I could get along really well.

Soon his fingers were gone and replaced with something much larger and thicker. I arched my back off the bed cursing under my breath. 

"Do you want me to stop?"  

"No..." I mumbled. "Keep going." 

I then placed my bound hands around his neck and pulled him to me. Capturing his lips with mine in a kiss. He heatedly kissed me back as he thrusted in and out of me. 

I pulled back from him, moaning his name near his ear. This seemed to boost his ego as he quickened  his thrusts, hitting that one spot deep inside of me that filled me with euphoria. 

I came and shortly after so did he, the warm essence coating my insides. 

Stryker pulled out of me and sat on the bed. He just sat there silently staring at the wall, before he moved quickly to loosen my hands. Once he did that he found his clothes and slowly got dressed. 

"Stryker..." I whispered sitting up in the bed.

He glanced back at me over his shoulder, the soft gaze he once had was now back to his normal glare. 

We both stayed silent and stared at each other. He violently shook his head, mumbling something and left the room. 

I just sat like an idiot, not sure what else to do. He just screwed me and left me. For a split second I was sure he changed but then again he was Stryker. What more could I expect?

For the second time in my entire life, I cried. I sat there in that dark-ish room and cried. The tears soaked the sheets below me as they continued to pour.

After what seemed like an hour I rubbed my wrists and pulled back on my underwear and jeans. 

I glanced at the torn shirt on the ground and cursed. "Shit." 

After contemplating what to do I decided to just leave it there, I mean there was nothing else I could do. But, as I was leaving the room, I noticed there was a shirt on the ground. I picked it up, it was Stryker's. His flannel.

Not wanting to leave the place naked, I pulled it on. Reminding myself to burn it as soon as I get home. 

Walking out of the room and back downstairs, I grabbed my jacket and Quincy. I made sure both were in the car before furiously driving off toward home. 

That asshole! To think I was willing to give him a chance. 

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