The Time has Come

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10,000 reads!!!! WOW. Thank you :D I never expected this to do this well.

So because of this. I have uploaded this straight away. plus, I loved writing this.

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Chloe x

Chapter 30

                I wasn’t ready. I needed more time. I couldn’t do this right now. What kind of sick joke is this? Me giving birth exactly as war starts. Why Moon Goddess? Why put me through all this pain? I could lose my mate as my child is born. Oh God!

                Ali rushed over beside me seeing the internal conflict I was fighting with at the moment. She knelt in front of me and took hold of my hands as I felt another rippling stab of pain pass through my abdomen. The lads all looked scared. They didn’t know what to do.

                I was breathing deeply now trying to pass off the pain I was feeling at this moment. No matter what was happening all I had to think about was getting through this. I had to get through this and support my baby. I am sure I could do this.

                “Come on Ellie. We need to get you to the room we prepared,” Ali soothed.

                I nodded my head slightly in understanding. I wasn’t ready to become a mother. I was scared. What if I screw up this just like I screwed up with my mate? Oh god. I could be a bad mother. Wait. What if Oliver dies? What will I say to my beautiful baby, my child? How will I explain to them about what happened with his father? I can’t cope with all this. I can’t do it. My emotions are haywire.

                I can’t do this. This is all too much. My conflicting emotions are driving me crazy. Ahhhh. My head is a mess. I can’t sort between logical thoughts and just my emotions. Another sharp twinge brought me out of my thoughts and I gasped again. These pains were getting worse. How can it get worse? Ali had one hand on my arm looking at me in reassurance.

                “You can do this Ellie. You have all of us. I know this is daunting and I know this is scary as hell. I bet you are a mess inside. Worrying about your mate and giving birth to your first child without him there. I feel so sorry for you. I wish things were different,” Ali soothed.

                Her and Mitch helped me up from the bed and began escorting me towards the room we were using for the birth. We had just reached the exit of the room when another contraction ripped through me. It was ten times worse than before. I doubled over in agony.

                “Crap. I knew Royal births were even more painful but not this. It is happening so fast,” Ali muttered, “We need to get her to the room now!”

                Mitch swept me into his arms as if I was as light as a feather. We rushed out of the room and down the corridor and into the room we had set up for the birth. There was a small baby bath in the corner and the bed had been placed with clean white cloth. Towels, painkillers and other things were all in there as well.

                We had prepared it all for this day. I didn’t expect this to be happening this early. I was prepared for this. I wasn’t prepared to become a mother but then I again I don’t think I could ever be prepared to become a mother. I just hoped I wouldn’t let my child down.

                I was place gently onto the bed by Mitch. Ali ushered all of the lads out of the room. It was just going to be Ali and I. The contractions began to ripple through my body in closer intervals I knew the time was coming. I bit back the pain that was threatening to embrace me. Nobody told me it was going to be this painful. Where was my warning? This was flipping hurting. I clutched onto the sheets on the bed.

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