Elemental use: air/wind, he's able to control the way air moves around an object and move it however he likes. Kind of like telekinesis in a way. His wings are made up of highly compressed air, and anything that touches them will be immediately compressed 100x it's normal mass. It was awakened by a self-defence mechanism, which I'll explain why in 'family and friends'.
Personality: a shy intervert, he usually spends his time outside, flying in the sky. He has a strong sense of what's right and wrong, and stands by his morals. Even after ten years since his parents died, he holds a deep trauma of the car crash. He freezes up whenever he hears loud noises, motors, fires, or big moving trucks. Sometimes, if his trauma reaction is extreme enough, something snaps inside him, and he goes on a rampage, wrecking chaos in his path. The last time he snapped meteorologists said that a hurricane so great it seemed impossible ("it would've been a category 7 on the Saffir-Simpson scale!") disappeared as soon as it appeared, since luckily for them, kaori had been visiting him at that time and managed to calm him down before he destroyed their entire state.
Personality Traits/other:
-scared of frogs -hard worker -bipolar in a way -science geek -kind of a wimp -but stronger than he looks
Family and friends: both his parents died in a car crash when he was six, and he was the only one who survived. His powers had awakened the split second before the car exploded, enveloping him in a bubble made up of high speed winds. His only friend is his neighbour, kaori. She comes over occasionally to make sure he's still alive and eating well, and she was also the one who taught him how to cook (Although sora still fails to make kd). Her parents suggested that he come live with them, but sora refused, telling them that he had lived in his house all his life, and he did not want to give it up.
Life: he works at a construction site, lifting heavy beams of metal into the sky to pay for living expenses and the house his parents left behind. The construction workers there are like family to him, and if anything happened to one of them he would do anything in his power to make them feel better. He doesn't go to school, since he's afraid that one of the teachers would find out that he's living by himself, so he home schools himself, with help from kaori, who goes to school.
-players poker with kaori, and hasn't won even once against her -kinda got used to losing
Drawing(s) (because I couldn't fit his body in one picture):
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I hope those drawings are acceptable....if they aren't tell me so I can fix them ^^""
lmao im obsessed with him now
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