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Morning was accompanied by last night's storm, a clingy hanger-on, blustery and windy with a heavy downpour, skies bruised and the darkest shades of violet and sea-blue. Wrapped up in a bright yellow puffy jacket and baggy jeans, I looked like I was straight out of the Bronx. I don't know what look I was going for, something along the lines of no-longer-cares-about-life. All I needed was a septum piercing, grubby fingernails, and a choppy haircut with bangs that resembled torn curtains and I would be picture perfect for eight thousand notes on tumblr. I headed out into the hallway, hoping to catch some breakfast before classes began; maybe toast or a bowl of sugary cereal with a glass of apple juice and some peace and quiet.

I certainly didn't want to run into either one of my brothers or Uncle Hektor for that matter. I had enough of family to last a lifetime. God was dead. That, or the bastard completely ignored my crossed fingers and hope for a day without a headache. Voices slithered out from under the closed kitchen door. Briefly, I debated whether I could last four hours till lunchtime on an empty stomach. It seemed to be an impossible task. So with a heavy heart and a dejected sigh, I pushed open the door.

Eton sat at the breakfast table with marmite and strawberry jam slathered across his toast and crumbs on his crumpled t-shirt. His hair was ruffled, like he had ran his hands through it. Grey eyes connected with mine and his mouth broke into an ear-splitting grin. "Morning, Calla!" The bastard was far too perky to entertain.

Zeus was leaning against a countertop, dressed in black pyjama bottoms, coffee cup in hand, and newspaper in the other. He raised his gaze to me, and glanced away, eyes back on the headline. "Eton has been telling me some interesting things about you, Cleo." The newspaper was folded in half and laid beside the fruit bowl. He leaned a hip against the countertop, raised an inquiring gaze. "As fascinating as it was learning about your Neopets account and the time you lost your virginity, I'm far more interested in the life you keep. Tell me. In this new life you've constructed, is there any room for family or the past?"

I should've turned tail and fled the room, but I was neither born or raised a coward and I refused to be intimidated or embarrassed by either brother. Needing time to construe an answer, I went to the cupboard and took out the loaf of bread from the bread bin and slipped four in the toaster. Pushing the lever down, I turned back to the small audience. "I have a family, Mom. Eton. A dead father in an urn."

"You're a hypocrite," Zeus attacked, slamming his fist down in anger on the table and rattling the knives and spoons on plates. "You berate and condemn me for abandoning the family when you're too ashamed to point to Eton and announce to the world of your past together. You're selfish in every sense of the word, as selfish as me, and we dug Mom a grave. Eton raised the shovel, I brought the casket and you pressed the pillow to smother the life out of her. You're as guilty as I am, Cleo, I have learnt to live with the guilt and accept my selfish actions, yet you push blame and flee, a pussycat in a house of lions."

"You egotistical bastard," I shoved him furiously, lip peeled back, teeth clenched, nostrils flared, hands balled into fist, temper aflame and engulfing. "You are nothing more than Botox fillings and swine meat. If anyone were to cut and spill out your guts, all that would fall would be gluttony and the blood of those that you've harmed. Mom. Dad. YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN HERE! You were the eldest, you turned tail and ran and lived an indulgent lifestyle, and now you point fingers!? You are a coward and a failure, you are nothing more than an illusion, a fabrication of what is the truth! Our parents didn't want you. You detested the attention Eton and I were given. You reeked of jealousy and envy, you turned a hideous shade of green and no amount of surgery can conceal the tint of your skin. And let's not pretend the worry and heartache you brought Mom and Dad when you tried to have your way with the au pair when you were fifteen. It wasn't entirely your decision to leave for boarding school, was it? Mom and Dad didn't want to deal with you. So they sent you away, agreed to your demands and that's when you truly realised you weren't wanted, wasn't it? So to punish them you cut contact completely whilst still living off the funds. You're a voracious swine who wants what he cannot ever have without force. This isn't your family. Your parents and your siblings died when you boarded the plane. Suffocate on your loneliness. Die alone. And die envious."

The toasts popped up, a perfect shade of brown.

"My appetite has diminished," I picked up my backpack and slung it across my shoulder, voice cold and expression hateful. "I have classes I need to attend to." I left the house.

Midway down the street there was a yell of my name. I half turned on my ankle to see Eton running to catch up with me. He skidded to a stop and threw me a small smile, tentative and wary of my reaction. "Hey," he said rather breathlessly, raising his hands as a white flag for peace, "I'm sorry for last night. I want to apologise and make amends. You're my sister and I can't have you angry with me."

"When did you become friends?" My tone was harsh.

He quirked a corner of his mouth upwards. "Jealous, huh?"

"I will walk home, retrieve the gun from the potted plant and fire into your head until there are no more bullets left. I thought you hated him. What happened?"

"I was in the kitchen alone at around two in the morning. He came downstairs and sat opposite me, he told me to hear him out and if I didn't like what he said, he would leave and never return. I gave him a chance. It turns out I misjudged my brother. We spent the night catching up on each other's lives. He listened to me when I spoke and he didn't shrug his shoulders like you do when I told him about being institutionalized. He actually cared, Calla. He didn't make me feel like I was a nuisance to him. You can't hate me for needing someone other than you. You practically jumped into his arms when you saw him. Is it so bad to admit we might actually like him? He is our brother after all."

"You forgot to mention that he's filthy rich and your get-out-of-jail card. Suck up to him and he'll write you a fat cheque, is that it, Eton? I'm right, aren't I? With Zeus, you won't have to study and graduate. He can take care of you, mollycoddle you and wipe your mouth when your dribble. You want a sweet life even if it means kissing his bleached arsehole. Do whatever you like, Eton. I won't criticise you for trying to survive but go against me and team with him again and I'll stage your suicide, write a weepy letter about the regret of murdering others, the anguish of losing your parents and hang you above the dining room table. We'll feast with your ghost hovering above us for the rest of our lives." I took his face in my hands, lowered my voice. "Remember, you will never win against me. I am the king, the queen, the victor. I am God and your life rests in my hands."

I patted his cheeks fondly and smiled slightly, taking a step back. "I hate starting my mornings threatening you, Eton. I don't want to fight with you. Friends?" I held out my hand for him to shake.

He took my hand. "Whatever game you believe I'm playing against you, it's all in your head, I wouldn't intentionally set out to hurt or hunt you," he said sincerely, eyes gleaming. Like a quick snap of fingers, his expression twisted into a cruel smile and his white teeth flashed, grip tightening. "Believe me, Calla. If I wanted to hurt you, you'd be dead. Oh. And could you tell Winnie to stop ignoring my text messages? If she doesn't come and see me, I'll come and find her."



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