Eisuke Pov
I walk in to the penthouse exhausted from meetings all day about the London hotel. It has been weeks since Clare and I went on a date, or even spoken in that matter. I look around and find that Clare is not home, she probably still at work. Walking into the kitchen I see a note under a cup of coffee, I curiously pick it up and read it. I read it four times before I understood, she left me. I sank to the ground and just stared at the cup of cold coffee on the counter. Why would she do this? I know I have been busy lately but was I not paying enough attention to her? Did something and forced her to leave? I stood up franticly and run out of the hotel all the way to the employee dorms I shove open her door to her room and find it complete cleaned out. I pull out the letter again to find any clues to what happened but all it says is Goodbye Eisuke. I found her friends Sakiko and Chistato, I bowed before them begging for any indications for where you might have gone, they told me they didn't know. They same answer I got from everyone I asked after them. So I go back to the penthouse and try to drink away the memory of the little maid who unfroze my heart.
A year goes by and I still haven't found her. The other guys have been trying to look for her when they have time but they can't look forever. They London hotel is opening in a few days and I'm at a bar drinking away on the anniversary of when Clare left me. It took me a while to realize that I drove her away, with my personality and career. She left because this relationship was leaving her in the dust. She always found herself inferior to me or an inconvenience to my life. I told she wasn't but my actions didn't match my words, I came home late, I would avoid her so I didn't need to talk about my day. She always felt like a third wheel to me and my goals and now because of that. She's gone. With this thought I drank until Soryu and Baba had to drag my sorry ass up to my room. I passed out dreaming of my savior.
The next couple months start to lighten up business starts to boom in London. I return to Japan walking to a coffee shop down the street thinking about Clare, when I bumped into someone the persons bag flew and the contents went everywhere. She hurries to pick up her stuff and apologizes, I look down at my feet and see a notebook I slowly bend down and my hand touches her's. Our eyes met and I was struck dumb, Clare, she was here. She takes her book back and I look and see a ring on her left hand. I wanted to scream at her for leaving and giving up on us, but I couldn't, the only words I could conjure from the mess inside of me is. "Congratulations, who is the lucky man?" The words sounded bitter and ice cold, she look up at me in surprise that I would say anything at all or even acknowledge her presence. She sighed and walked away as I watch her leave I thought about how I let her go so easily.
For the next couple months I read the new paper when I finally saw an article with her name and the man she married. The headline was pop star Iori Enjo marry's famous screen writer Clare Nona. I set down the paper after reading how magical the wedding was and I stared off into space wondering about everything I could have done but didn't, but if I did maybe she wouldn't be gone?
Maybe she wouldn't be gone? Eisuke one-shot angst
FanfictionThis story is about Eisuke dealing with the loss of MC. (MC= Clare Nona)