Chapter 12

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Last chapter weeee


I walk into the library I'm going to be having the conference and book signing in. Multiple months have passed since the last time I saw or heard of Violet.

I walk into the room full of people and I smile. How did this happen? I recently just published my most recent and famous book. It even reached #1 New York Bestseller. Thats a real big deal. I sent the book to Mr. Lockwood not long after my last appearance with Violet, and since then it has gone completely viral. Everyone loves the book.

I sit on the chair and look at the crowd of faces and smile to myself. This is your dream come true Jonah.

My thoughts become interrupted by the woman introducing me and what we are going to be doing. Soon, people start raising hands with questions to ask me about this book and other future, past, and current works.

"What inspired you to make this book?" A woman asks and I think very carefully of the question.

"There was this... Person. Let's call this person like the main character in the book, Alexis. I had a deep curiosity towards this person, towards Alexis. She just seemed to be having this... Type of living I have never seen before, so I got to know Alexis and that was the main inspiration of my book" I tell her and she smiles before sitting down, and another stands up.

"Why did you call your book Ephemeral?" She asks me and I smile.

"Well for those of you who don't know the meaning of the word, ephemeral means 'lasting for a very short time' and our... Relationship?, lasted for a really really short time. I knew Alexis for about 2 months. Thats as far as our relationship went. Also look at the number of pages of this book, it's so short. This is basically our whole story" I tell her holding the copy of my book up in the air, and everyone laughs.

This is all you ever wanted Jonah. You're finally living to your dreams and expectations.

After the conference, I sign copt by copy and take photo after photo with the people who read my book and came to meet me.

After I finish with everyone, I stand up and start to head home.


When I get to my new house, something small, not too big, I'm greeted by Anna looking more beautiful than ever, with a small baby bump peeking at the fabric of the apron.

We found out she was pregnant days after Violet left. Anna had been then for 2 months pregnant, but she was too scared to tell me. I was extremely happy and excited when she told me the news, that I instantly brought a home for us.

"Ready to go baby?" She asks me. We're going to find out the sex of the baby today.

"More than ever. Come on" I tell her before grabbing her by the hand and puling her out of the house and into the car.


I watch as the doctor puts the cool blue gel on my girlfriend's belly, before putting what looks like a microphone on it, with an image if the baby projected on the small monitor besides the bed Anna is laying on.

"What are you expecting?" The doctor says looking at the monitor and smiling.

"A boy. Why, what is it?" Anna asks, desperate to know the answer of the genre of the baby.

"Congratulations. You have a baby boy on the way" The doctor says and Anna squeezes my hand and tears pick at her eyes. I kiss her on the lips and the doctor gives us a copy if the picture of the baby and on the side the sex of the baby.


Anna is now 7 months pregnant, and we just finished with the baby's room and finally chose a name for him. Theodore.

I walk into the local library and my heart and insides warm up when my book is in the rack of Bestsellers. I go pick it and a woman is next to me, reading the summary at the back of the book and I smile.

"Heard its a really good book. I would know" I tell her trying my hardest not to laugh, and when the eyes look up at me, I'm frozen in place.

Those big deep blue eyes that still haunt me.


Tears are streaming down her face and she pushes the book to my chest.

"Of course you would know. You wrote it. About me" She says and walking away, before turning back around and pointing at me with her eyes flaming in anger. "This is why you were so desperate to know about my life right? It was all a game to you" She says spitting the words our harshly. I mean, thats why I pushed her to tell me, but I really did care a lot for her. "You wrote a fuckin book about my entire life, and didn't even have the decency to ask me if I was okay with it. You didn't change a single detail of all the stuff I told you. How even did you get the exact words? Were you recording me?" She asks in a furious tone. I get why she's mad, I would be too, but I needed to write a good book. "You told me you were not gonna tell anyone but here you are, writing every single fuckin detail of my shitty and embarrassing life on a book. Thank you so much Jonah. Congratulations, I officially hate you" She tells me before walking away, out of the library, and I'm guessing, out of my life.

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