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Laughing at the prank he just pulled, Hoseok walked into his empty home holding a bag full of things that he was gonna use on his next victims.

Going to his room, he laid down in bed turning on the tv. After a while he started to drift asleep when he heard a crash come from downstairs. Grabbing the bat by his bed he ran downstairs seeing a broken window in his kitchen.

"Idiots." He mumbled as he picked up the rock that had been used to break the window. Putting it back on the floor he heard the tv switch on in the living room. Going over to it he turned it off and looked around confused.

Heading back upstairs, he laid in bed closing his eyes. Hearing another noise, he got out of bed groaning. "What the hel-" his sentence was stopped by a sharp knife being impaled through his throat.

Coming home from dinner, his parents called for him through out the house. "He's always out." His mom sighed as she shook her head. Going into the kitchen she screamed once her eyes laid on what was in front of her.

Hoseok's body laid on the table with the words Happy Halloween carved onto his stomach.

Rosé woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. Looking at the time, she groaned and got up quickly running around to get dressed. Throwing her shirts and pants around the room, she finally picked out the perfect outfit.

"Not bad." She said to herself as she ran downstairs. Seeing a note of the refrigerator, she moved closer to it reading it.

Left early for work, won't be back till later. Left overs in the fridge.

Groaning, she crumbled the note in the floor and threw it in the trash. Turning around, she jumped by the sight of a figure behind her.

"Jennie, you need to stop sneaking inside of my house!" Rosé sighed, as she walked past her grabbing an apple from off the table.

"Stop getting scared when you know I'm coming, and what the hell are you wearing?" Jennie laughed as she pointed at Rosé's outfit.

"What? I think it looks nice." Rosé pouted as she looked down at her outfit fixing her shirt.

"It's okay, but is it enough to impress Jaebum?" Jennie teased while she made hearts with her hands. Rolling her eyes, Rosé shook her head and laughed a bit.

"There is nothing going on with me and JB, we're just friends." Rosé said as she grabbed her bag and walked out the front door. "I didn't know friends go on dates." Jennie followed her linking their arms.

"It wasn't a date!" Rosé shouted at Jennie already being annoyed.

"What wasn't a date? Is this about JB again because I ship it." A male voice said causing Rosé to turn around quickly her eyes setting on Bambam, Jackson, Lisa, Jisoo, Youngjae, and JB

"I don't, I think it's weird." Jackson said as he made. disgusted face causing Rosé to laugh.

"Thank you, at least someone agrees."

"You guys do know that I'm literally standing right here right?" Jaebum said as he raised his hand waving it in the air.

"I think they know, but they don't care." Lisa laughed as she put his hand down.

"Okay enough talk, we have to get to school now." Rosé sighed walking off causing everyone to follow behind her.

"What's that?" Rosé asked as she saw a group of people crowding an area in the corner.

"Some kid died on Halloween night, it was some big thing. You didn't hear about it?" Jackson asked while he looked at her.

"No, I was busy that night." Rosé looked down as she coughed a bit. "Did they find the killer?"

"No, they're still out there."

"Blah blah blah, who cares that kid deserved it. He was always pulling pranks on people so he got what was coming to him." Jennie said as she laughed.

"No one deserves death, that's harsh." Jisoo sighed grabbing Youngjae's hand as she walked off with him. "Great now you got her mad." Rosé rolled her eyes looking at Jennie.

"Whatever, she's too sensitive. Maybe the killer will pick her off next because she doesn't appreciate what they do."

"That's not funny Jennie." Jackson said firmly as he looked at her. "Once again, another sensitive person. I'm out." Jennie sighed as she walked off.

Rosé looked at her notebook and up at the board as she wrote down the notes. Feeling someone watching her she turned around to see a guy in the corner looking at her. Making eye contact she quickly turned around.

"Rosé can you answer the question?" The teacher said causing her to look up immediately. Not knowing what to say she sat there unable to speak.

"It's 47." Someone said making her look in the direction where the voice came from.

"Yes Jinyoung, next time pay more attention Rosé." Nodding, she looked back at the guy before turning back around.

Once the bell rung Rosé quickly got her stuff together and walked out of the class, bumping into someone on her way out.

"Crap, I'm sorry." She said as she quickly picked her books up from the floor.

"Why are you in such a rush?" A familiar voice asked laughing. Looking up, a smile came on her face seeing JB.

"Just trying to get to my next class." Rosé said slowly as she watched Jinyoung walk out the class and pass her and Jaebum.

"We'll be more careful okay?" Jaebum said as he placed his arm around his shoulder and started to walk with her.

"Got it, but really I have to get to my class. I'll see you later." Rosé smiled as she walked off. Stopping at the bathroom, she placed her books on top of the sink and rinsed her face off sighing.

Hearing a phone rang, she searched around her bag until she found it and answered.


"Hello Rosè." The unfamiliar voice said on the other line.

"I'm sorry who is this?"

"That was a very interesting scene you made in front of the classroom. Did the bump hurt?" Pausing before answering, Rosé looked at the number seeing it was unknown.

"Jaebum, stop playing with me." Rosé answered back knowing that it was him.

"Funny you should say that, considering that I'm watching him right now. Nice face it'd be a shame if something happened to him."

"What do you want?" Rosé quickly answered as she got nervous.

"The truth, and I'm gonna get it out of you and all you're friends if I have to take you all down one by one." Before Rosé could answer the back the phone call ended leaving her confused.

Putting her phone back in her bag, she grabbed her books and ran out the bathroom and started to walk to her next class.


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