Scream 2: Chapter 1

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Rose walked through the halls of the school with JB, and Jisoo by her sides. It's been a year since everything happened, and they all lost someone who meant something to them. They basically had no one else, it was just them and they had to stick together.

"I'm gotta go to my class, I'll see you guys after school right?" Jisoo said as she looked at them both. Nodding, Rose waved bye to her and took JB's hand as they continued to walk through the halls. "You know, for once I can finally say that I feel fine." JB said as he looked at Rose.

"Why? Because there's no one out the kill you." Rose said as she laughed a bit. Nodding, Jb laughed as well as he stopped walking and looked at Rose. "Everyday, I think about how lucky it was that we made it out alive. Jackson could have easily killed us and it would have been over." He said which made Rose look down all the thoughts of what happened coming back to her.

She had lost 4 of her best friends, and in total 7 people had died. Sometimes, she feels as if it was her fault that all those people had died. What if she did go with Jackson, then none of this would have happened. But that's all in the past, and it's finally over.

Rose was broken from her thoughts when JB called her name. "I don't want you to think about any of that stuff anymore though okay? He's gone, and now it's just me, you, and Jisoo." JB said which made Rose calm down a bit. Nodding, she hugged him and went inside of her class.

Sitting down in her seat, she waited until the teacher came in the room. Once he came. he started the lesson, but Rose wasn't listening. She was too busy in her own thoughts. Breaking away from it, she looked up when she heard the classroom door slam.

"Sorry I'm late." A brown headed boy said as he came into the room and sat in the first seat that he saw, which was the empty seat next to Rose. Looking over at him, she saw how his knuckles were bruised.

"Is there something that you need?" He said to her which caused her to quickly shake her head and look in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she looked down into her book and tried her hardest not to look at him again.

Once the bell rung, she got up and walked out of the classroom. Staying next to the classroom door, she saw how the boy was still in the classroom and watched as the teacher walked over to him. Keeping her ear to the door she listened to the conversation to see what they were talking about.

"Mr. Tuan, it's a new school year, there is no reason why you should still be distressed. I'm not saying that you should get over the death of your cousin so quickly, but it is affecting your school attendance and work." The teacher said to him. Rose peaked through the classroom window and watched. His cousin?

Feeling a hand touch her shoulder, she jumped causing her hit against the door. Looking at the door, she saw as her and the boy make eye contact. Turning around, she looked at JB and quickly grabbed his hand running away from the door and turning to another hall.

"What are we running from?" He asked as he took a deep breath tired from the run.

"Nothing, I just felt like running that's all." Rose said as she peeked from the wall seeing the boy walk out of the classroom and head in the opposite direction of them. Sighing in relief, she rested her head against the wall.

"Come we have to meet Jisoo." JB said as he took her hand and started to walk outside of the school.

"Who's that with her?" Rose asked as she saw a black haired boy standing next to her. Going closer over to them, he turned around and Rose recognized who it was. "Yugyeom?" She said excitedly as she went to him and hugged him tightly.

"I thought you transferred schools." Rose said as she looked at him. He use to be one of her really good friends, but then he changed schools because his dad had gotten a new job.

"I did, but we're back now." Yugyeom said excitedly as he looked around. "Where's Bambam, I tried texting him, but he didn't answer. I think he got a new number and forgot to tell me." He said as he looked at Rose. 

Everyone got silent by his words. Jisoo looked down, Rose looked at JB while he looked at her as well. Yugyeom stood there confused not knowing why everyone got silent all of a sudden. "Yugyeom.." Rose said softly as she slowly looked at him.

"Bambam, he passed." Rose said as she tried her hardest not to break down. Yugyeom looked at Jisoo wanting to see if it was true or not, but she couldn't look at him.

"What do you mean he passed? What happened?" Yugyeom asked anxiously not wanting what she told him to be true. "We shouldn't talk about this here. Lets go to the coffee shop we used to go to and I'll explain there." Rose said and everyone nodded.


After explaining everything to Yugyeom, they all looked at him who had a hard time processing everything. "I can't believe Jackson would do that. He was always so nice.." He said as he looked at Rose.

"None of us could. We didn't know it was him, and we killed someone who had nothing to do with it." JB said slowly as he looked down.

"We're trying to get pass it though. We're doing better now, we just learned how to deal with what happened." Jisoo said and rubbed Yugyeom's arm trying to comfort him after he just heard about his best friend getting murdered.

"Hello everyone! Today we have a special show for everyone." A man's voice over the speaker said. Looking over at the stage, Rose watched as a guy stood in front of a velvet curtain. "I didn't know there was a show tonight?" Jisoo said which caused JB to shrug.

"Today we're introducing a new band, give it up for them!" He said as he walked off the stage. Everyone clapped as the guy pulled the string causing the curtains to move to the side. The clapping immediately stopped and the shop filled with screams as their eyes saw what was in front of them.

There stood Jackson's lifeless body in a crucified from. His head sowed to his body with the words Rebirth behind him on a banner written in blood. Tears streamed down Rose's cheeks as flashes of what happened started to go through her mind.

"It's happening again." Rose said as she looked at JB.

Author's Note:

Thank you guys so much for reading and loving this story. Hopefully you continue to read and like book 2. It makes my day reading your comments so thank youu. Also, it would mean a lot if you could read my other book "Living With 7" which also involves Blackpink and Got7. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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