A New Start: Chapter 1

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     She glanced around the battle filled clearing, the sound of yowling cats filling her ears. She tore her head to the right, seeing a cat slash her claws down onto a kit. She gagged, fleeing threw the battle. She didn't know what to do.. she could just run! Suddenly, the battle slowly stopped and transformed into a gurgling river. She saw two starry figures jump down, there paws sparkling with tiny stars. She looked at the calm sight, it suddenly turning horrifying. The calm river churned into a gurgling sight, it splashing against her grey paws. The two starry figures were brought down into the river, it gurgling around them as there muzzles faded under the water. She gasped, jumping onto the rock, and looking for a cat. As her vision faded into a white little tom, squirming happily. Once his eyes opened, they were glowing red. Filled with hatred. As the tom formed into a sitting pose, seeing a berry roll towards it. The tom picked up the berry, devouring it quickly. As she grinned, seeing the happy sight of a kit eating, the kit flopped over. His breathing had faded. She gagged, the horrific sight making her sick. The kit slowly faded into a limp warrior, their fur the same. Is that me..? Is this my death...? She blinked, the vision fading into a bubbling river, filled with stones. Sunlight flickered onto her pelt, as she suddenly awakened into a warm den.

     She blinked her eyes, sunlight flickering threw the brambles on the top of the den. "Pebble, your up already! Thank the stars, you were squirming like a fox in a fit!" She turned her head towards Wave, her brother. "Oh.. Just a bad dream. Any training today?" She sat up, glancing around the small den. "Yep! River hunting with your dad, Pebble. Wave, your tree climbing with me." Red Eclipse, her mom, ordered her, flicking her tail towards Tide, her father. "My little warrior coming with me! Goodie!" Tide stood, pushing her forward with his tail. She nodded, padding into the warm summer air. A cool breeze shifted her fur, it calming her. Her dream could have given her a heart attack! It sure felt like it.. all the- her thoughts were cleared as she stumbled over a stone. "Watch out there, Peb!" Tide grabbed her scruff, heaving her back onto her paws. Embarrassment filled her pelt, curling down into her tail. As they settled by the river bank, Tide became giving his lesson.

    "Well, Pebble. You should stand by the bank, staring at the water. Dont let your shadow cast over the water!" Tide nudged her so her shadow wouldn't cast over the gurgling water. "Thanks Tide." She nodded in a excited thanks. Tide nodded, continuing the lesson. "Well, once you see a fish swim by, slash your claws into the water. Look at me." Tide stared at the water, his gaze flickering around the splashing brook. Suddenly, he threw his claws into the river, pulling out a flopping trout. Tiny drops of water quivered on her whiskers as she bent down, sniffing the now still trout. "Like that. You can try." Tide pushed her towards the sandy bank. She glared at the water, waiting for a fish to stroll by. Soon enough, a salmon caught her eye. She poorly slashed her claws into the water, almost falling in. Missing the salmon by a mouse tail, she stumbled into the edge of the water. Tide quickly grabbed her scruff, hauling her out. "Well, you'll learn. I think that's enough for today." She stood, nodding in embarrassment. "How are you so good? Mother says she hates getting her paws wet." She asked him as the padded back to the den. "Well.. I just love water I guess." Tide answered, flicking his ear as he crawled into the den.

     Wave slashed his claws out at the brambles. "Take that, you weak clan cat!" Wave tore his claws down the bramble, pretending it was a clan cat. She hurled herself at the bramble, sinking her fangs into a branch. "Mouse heart!" She slashed her claws out at the branch. Wave tumbled onto the bramble, his claws tearing off tiny sticks. She flattened her ears, the tiny branches tripping over them. She hissed, tearing her claws down the bramble, clearing a huge patch. She swung her claws out again, snarling. "Kits, come get your dinner!" She flickered her gaze towards the den. She followed Red Eclipse's order, ducking under the den entrance. Tide pushed a trout towards Wave. "You two share." Tide ducked his paws under his chest, laying down next to Red Eclipse. She nodded, taking a mouthful of the flesh. She lapped her lips, clearing the trout from them. "You eat messier than a badger." Wave cuffed her ear. She let out a embarrassed purr, taking another mouthful. As the devoured the trout quickly, her belly full from the meal. Tide glanced towards them, beckoning them with his tail. "You get a good nights rest. Wave, your going across the rocks tomorrow. Pebble, your tree climbing with Red Eclipse." Tide ran his tongue between her ears. She nodded, figuring she could get some feathers to put in her den before then. She ducked outside of the den, crawling into the forest.

Hope you love my new story! Sorry for the kinda short chapter, I have to go to school. Well, I might upload tomorrow or on Saturday. Keep in tune :P

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