My first encounter

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I met David by pure luck. I was being bullied and he was going by and stopped them.

I was only about 7 at that time and for a while I never spoke to him. It probably took me a month before I thanked him for standing up for me. When I told him all he said back to me was "It's no problem, I hate seeing guys be mean to girls for any reason. Do those guys bully you a lot?" and when I nodded my head he made me a promise, he had told me that "From here on out, I will protect you from them and not let anyone harm you ever again". But me being that dumb kid I was, I told him he didn't need to, that I would be fine without him and that it would waste his time... God, that boy never listened to those words.

He stuck by my side as much as he possibly could after that day.

It was very strange to me that someone actually cared about me that much but after a while I got used to it. He was 2 years older than me so he always felt like a big brother to me for some reason, but since I was younger he thought of me as a little sister so I guess it worked out in the end.

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