Becoming friends

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He followed me around like a little lost puppy every day. It confused me so much why anyone would want to be around me. But after almost 2 months I had grown used to having him around. The only strange part of all of it was I didn't know his name...

Eventually he got the courage to introduce himself properly and I got to know what was "David Andrew Morelli". He had medium brown hair, light brown eyes, his dad was from Italy and his mom was Germany and he was a citizen of America and Germany. He grew up being moved around every few months so he never really had friends until he moved to Denver and stayed for a couple years.

It was strange at first actually taking to him but I enjoyed his company. No matter how mean or sad or anything I got he stuck by me when no one else would. He became my best friend, my brother.

Thankfully he never once had developed feelings for me in a romantic way like everyone tried to say that he had. Also, he was gay so it was kind of obvious he never wanted anything but a friendship from me. We had no interest in being with each other anyways, we just needed a friend to stick by and who would stick by us. David became very important to me and I always tried to be there for him and for the most part I was. He was such an odd person but he and I shared a love for music so we got along just fine.

As I got to know him better I learned that his favorite color was grey, his favorite band was Rise Against, he had a nasty past, and he loved to make others happy. He was such an amazing person to be so broken, but I tried to help as best I knew how.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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