Chapter 3

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The walk back to the village was quiet and nobody seemed to want to break the silence. Inuyasha was about to open his mouth and start ranting about bastard brothers and dumb mikos when Kagome called him to attention.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I think we should make camp a little ways away from the village. Inuyasha if you would be so kind as to come with me to get the supplies. We won't be long my Lord." And with that Kagome started for the well with a grumbling Inuyasha in tow.

The monk and slayer had already started to the village with a worried little kit in tow, but it did him no good to argue with Kagome because she would help anyone, even the Lord of the West. He would just wait till she came back from her time and slip back to camp later. Shippo really didn't want to have to sleep alone at night if he could help it. Why should he give up his nice warm place next to his Kagome just for the Western Lord? Humph he didn't think so, so with that in mind he followed the monk and smiled happily.

Sesshoumaru was having a hard time following the miko's request, he would never think of them as orders. No one ordered Sesshoumaru but a request he could deal with. He knew the miko was from somewhere pass the Well, he had witnessed her jumping in and her aura completely disappearing only to reappear days later and with strange items in her large over stuffed bag. She didn't carry that bright annoying bag that was a beacon to her location anymore and, thankfully, she wasn't wearing any of those whorish clothes anymore. He didn't know if he would have been able to take her seriously if he was looking at her dressed like a harlot.

Sesshoumaru sat against the bottom of a massive tree holding Rin close while Ah-Un and Jaken settled down to gathering firewood for their temporary camp. Sesshoumaru let his eyes roam over Rin and he was slightly annoyed that he could not heal her and how fragile she was in her small human body. "She is HUMAN," the miko had said and that had made him decide to go along with the miko's request. Rin was human and so she was somewhat of a mystery to the Inu lord. He had despised humans for so long. He had never really studied the odd creatures, other than the tactics of the human warriors. Now human women and children, well he wasn't so sure about them, least of all the annoying wench his brother had chosen.

Surely his brother could have found a more suitable mate than the miko. He didn't know for sure if the hanyou had mated with the girl, she bore no mating marks, but seeing as how Inuyasha was a half-breed perhaps he did not know how to mark her properly. Sesshoumaru blinked and realized were his train of thought had taken him, and he growled lowly. It didn't matter if his brother had mated the wench or not, all that mattered was that Rin should get well as soon as possible so that he could leave from his ignorant brother's presence.

Across the Well, Kagome and Inuyasha were stocking up on medicine at the local pharmacy and Kagome had mentioned bringing back some luxury items if she were forced to stay in one spot for a long period of time. It was not so easy just sleeping on the ground every night even with her sleeping bag and if Sesshoumaru was going to be around she wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the night running for dear life. So she was going to take a gamble and bring back some comforts. Kagome wasn't stupid and she knew neither was the Western Lord. He had to know of the Well and the fact that Kagome was different and he hadn't done anything so far as to bring harm to the Well that was on his lands so it was safe to say that he wouldn't be too surprised at her items. It was somewhat comforting to think that Sesshoumaru hadn't destroyed her Well yet, but Kagome figured that if anything, the Inu lord was calculating and rational. He must have realized that she was needed for the final battle against Naraku.

"I don't why you are helping that bastard when all he wants is to see all of us dead at the end of the day," Inuyasha stated as he helped Kagome pack the tent and the 'blow-up bed' as she called it.

"Well I can't let Rin suffer just because she travels around with the guy, although I will never understand why she does, he just don't seem like that type to keep humans safe, and a human child at that," Kagome replied.

"Keh, why do you think he keeps her? I have been wondering that too." Inuyasha asked as he stuffed the blankets and sheets in with the tent.

"I have no idea, but what I sometimes wonder is if he is gay." Kagome started to chuckle as Inuyasha stared at her, mouth gaping open. "Well come on Inuyasha he does have perfect hair that he is always flicking around and he looks almost like a girl. And admit it, have you ever seen him not look immaculate and polished? In my time men like that tend to be gay. And he is much older than you and you are almost full grown, so where is his girlfriend or mate or whatever you demons call it?"

Inuyasha hadn't thought about it, but Sesshoumaru was old enough to have taken a mate by now and yet he hadn't. Inuyasha eyes widen with glee but he shook his head at Kagome, this was just to good to be true. "I don't know why he doesn't have a mate, probable because the ass doesn't think he needs one, but there is no way in hell that bastard likes males." Inuyasha huffed as he threw the duffle bag of equipment over his shoulder and headed to the Well.

"I guess but I still have my suspicions. And since he will be around us until Rin gets better I will even wager a bet that if he is, you have to let me come home after Rin is better for two weeks, but if you are right and he likes females I will make you a gallon sized pot of ramen. Deal?" Kagome asked as Inuyasha stared dreamily at the thought of a gallon of ramen all to himself. He really didn't want Kagome to leave for two weeks and was about to say no because he didn't think he could go that long waiting on her. But then he thought about the ramen and he knew deep down inside that Sesshoumaru didn't like males, right?

So Inuyasha turned an arrogant smile to Kagome, "You're on wench. I can't wait for that ramen. It's going to be so good and I don't have to share with that little runt." And with that Inuyasha leap into the well with a smile plastered on his face that could almost be mistaken as a look of ecstasy.

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