The Captain's Treasure

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Asagi pulled a handkerchief out of his coat pocket, swiping it across his sword to clean the blood from it. He dropped the handkerchief to the deck of the ship then sheathed his sword. He adjusted his coat and studied the ship. The raid had been a success. The enemy ship had, foolishly, attacked the Bloody Rose and thought to win the battle.

…A mistake their captain would never repeat again.

The only problem with their victory was Tsunehito’s scent on the enemy ship. Asagi had lost track of how many times he had strictly forbidden his lover from participating in raids. Tsunehito was human, he was Asagi’s lover, and thus it was his duty to stay back in Asagi’s cabin. Not go out and fight where he ran the risk of being wounded or killed. Irritated, Asagi traced the scent to where his lover stood near the railing of the ship. His mane of wild red hair obscured his face as he busily cleaned his sword on a handkerchief. Asagi’s eye twitched as he saw that his lover had yet to change out of the skimpy garments he favored for Asagi’s pleasure. He could so easily have been injured! And the thought of other pirates… other men… staring at his beautiful lover made Asagi’s blood boil.

Tsunehito was his and his alone. Asagi did not share, knew he could be considered possessive and overprotective, but he also loved Tsunehito dearly. No one could ever take his place in Asagi’s heart.

Sensing his presence, Tsunehito raised his head to give Asagi a defiant look.

Asagi’s feelings for his lover had been softening at the sight of him safe and well, but that look pissed him off. “Tsunehito,” he growled.

“What?” Tsunehito dropped the handkerchief and sheathed his sword. He then folded his arms over his chest.

“As you recall, you are forbidden from participating in raids. You are supposed to stay in my cabin where you will be safe!”

“I refuse to stay in your cabin like I’m your pet whore,” Tsunehito snapped. “I look frail but I’m strong, I’ve defended myself against other pirates… vampire or human… and I’ve proved to you that I’m not the fragile little damsel that you think I am!” He uncrossed his arms and stormed forward, jabbing his finger into Asagi’s chest. “But you always refuse to listen!”

Asagi caught his lover’s thin wrists. “Because you’re human. You’re fragile whether you admit it or not.”

“I am not fragile!” Tsunehito snapped, trying to jerk free.

Asagi raised an eyebrow in response. Really, attempting to pull free from a vampire’s hold while claiming he wasn’t fragile? Tsunehito should know better. “You can deny it as much as you want but you will always be fragile, my love.” He pulled Tsunehito closer to him. “And that is why,” he released his lover then grabbed his waist. “You belong in my cabin.” Before Tsunehito could break free, Asagi had thrown him over his shoulder. For a moment his lover froze but then immediately started fighting to break free.

“Asagi! Put me down!” Tsunehito slammed his small fists against Asagi’s back as the captain, ignoring the halfhearted assault, carried his lover past his smirking crew and over to his ship. He did stop and glare at Ruiza when the blonde’s eyes lingered too long on Tsunehito’s legs. Ruiza was Asagi’s oldest friend but there was a part of him that had always been intrigued by Asagi’s lover. Ruiza blushed and ducked his head in apology.

“Tsune and I will be in my cabin,” Asagi said. “I leave the ship,” he adjusted his grip on his struggling lover, “in your care.”

“What of the treasure?” Ruiza asked, raising his head to meet Asagi’s gaze. Asagi moved the hand on Tsunehito’s back over his ass so Ruiza would not be tempted to look up Tsunehito’s indecently short skirt. That earned him an angry growl and a furious kick. Tsunehito did not like being groped in front of everyone else and got violent if Asagi tried to lay a hand on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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