The little girl in white

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Screams, bloodcurdling, body less screams echoed all around us. Not knowing what to do Andrew and I run for it. Where to? We're not sure. "Whoa, Charlie, you seeing this?" Drew asked with an astounded tone.

"See wha-?" I cut my self off "Oh, that."

In front of us stood an oak door, with rusty hinges. Most of the original building was either crumbled away or laying on the ground. Drew and I looked at each other. Stepping forward, we tried pushing open the door. After a good struggle, the hinges groaned as they finally gave in.

"Hello?" I call out

"'Hello?' Seriously? In a horror movie, you so would be the first to die." Drew says, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever." I mumble.

As we walk into the building, dust swirls around us. In the corner of my eye I see a dark figure dart from one corner of the room to another.

"Who's there?" I ask, not knowing if I want a reply back or not.

"Another dumb move on you're behalf sonny boy."

"Ahhh!!" Drew and I scream, our heads snapping in the direction of where the voice came from. A wrinkled, short old man stood in the way of the door. He has a long grey beard and his head was so bald it looked like a chicken would pop out at any moment.

"You shall not pass." He says, holding on to the walker in front of him. Drew whispered in my ear "Hahaha this old guy thinks he's Gandalf."

"What's your name?" I ask the old guy.

"Arthur Wiggleton the third."

Suddenly another figure bounded into the room.

"Seriously! How many more people are gonna join this paranormal party?" Screams Drew.

"Where am I?" asks the figure.

"No idea, who's asking?" Drew cautiously replies.

"Cameron, Cameron Brooks. What about you?"

"I'm Andrew, but every calls me Drew. That guy there" Drew points to me. "Is Charles or Charlie and we're not with this Gandalf wanna be."

After we exchange hellos Drew Asks Cameron "Hey, isn't Cameron a boys name?"

"Yeah but so is Drew."

"Yeah but I'm a boy."

"Oh, you need a haircut." I just laughed at Drew's offended face.

We are just standing around trying to figure out what to do. When suddenly a glowing column of light appears at the end of a hallway to our right. The column then turned into a little girl no older than 6, wearing a floor length white dress. She was kneeling on the ground clutching what seemed to be an amulet in her pale hands. 

"Hey guys," I whisper to the bickering teens and weird older man. As I gesture to the girl, she stands up and turns towards us. Her dark hair falling into her face,

"Lee-Lee?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. I freeze. "Why didn't you save me?"

"I-I-I tried, there were too many." Hot tears were streaming down my now red face.

"You left me to die." Her once quiet voice now deadly. The little girl rose from the ground her hair lifting up around her head, giving her an eerie, demonic feel.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, sobbing and I rock back and forth.

I faintly hear Arthur, Cameron and Drew yelling in the background.

"Attack!" Everything went black. "Charlie! Charlie! Wake up God damn it!" My eyes snap open. What? I'm in my room. This doesn't make sense. Was it all a dream? "Charlie, hurry up you'll be late to school!" My mum yelled once again.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back at her. Jumping out of my bed I noticed that I was wearing the same clothes from my dream. Huh, weird. I ran out of my messy room and dart down the stairs and in to the kitchen where my mum was making waffles. "I had the weirdest dream last night." I say walking towards her, wiping my eyes as I go.

"What was it about sweetie?" She asks, not taking her eyes away from what she's doing.

"I ran through the woods, Drew was there. We came a cross this abandoned town. There was an old man and-" I pause. Taking a deep breath I continue, "Jenny was there mum, she blames me mum, it's all my fault."

"That's nice honey. Can you go and get me my phone? It should be in my room."

I sighed "Sure mum." I walk back up the stairs to retrieve my mums phone. It isn't there.

"MUM!" I yell to her. No reply. "MUM!!" I yell again, this time louder. "Mum?" I question walking down the stairs AGAIN. She isn't in the kitchen, neither are the waffles. I hear a loud thump from upstairs. Quickly I run to the source of the noise.

"What the-?" The entire second floor turned into deserted, dry plains. I look behind me, what I expected to see; the stairway was no longer there.

"Ahhh!" I scream out in pain as my head throbs like it was just run over by a herd of stampeding elephants. The plains moved around as black spots danced in my vision. Then every thing goes black. Getting a strange scene of déjà vu.

"Charlie! Charlie!! CHARLIE" I awake from screaming in my ear. My eyes snap open. "What-?" I start.

"Thank god your alive!" Cameron exclaims.

"Yeah we thought you were a goner for sure, man." Drew adds.

"Lets just get out of here" I say standing up on my shaky, jelly legs. We grab Arthur by his walker and haul him out of the building and into the woods. After a good 20mins of dodging through trees in the dusk fog Arthur yells "ad vast ye scallywag, land ho!" he took off going as fast as his walker will let him.

"This guy is mental!" Drew shouts

Cameron and I laugh and begin walking in the direction that the short old mean went in. turns out we came across one of my neighbors that had left there outside lights on.

As we were exciting the woods, Cameron and Drew side by side and me behind. A silver light catches my eye. I turn to see the glowing figure of a girl poke out from behind a tree. That's when I realise; I'd never escape form the little girl in white.

Hey guys its TRA and I've decided to share my english short story with you maybe 5 people who'll read this.

I hand it in tomorrow. The word limit was 600 and I smashed that with 1047.

Yeah I'm gonna fail, oh well I hope you enjoyed 'the little girl in white'.

Thats it for now guys.

-TRA out

UPDATE: Hey guys just an update on the story. I got a b+ so i didn't completely fail.

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