Don't stand there.

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Stiles' P.O.V

I head home from another day at school, I might have to skip it tomorrow and go get checked out at hospital. They continued today with pretty much the same beating as yesterday but because of my already pretty broken rib it hurt ten times more.

Then at one point I felt a punch to the face, now how the hell am I going to hide a fricken black eye from Scott and Derek.

I mean even if I do Alisson has seen it and would probably feel concerned enough to tell Scott.

I slam the brakes outside my house angrily and get out of my amazing jeep.

I notice a sleek black camaro already parked, I curse under my breathe. Great, just great. I go inside and pretend I didn't see the car by going straight up to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I look in the mirror, my lip is split open, blood still dripping from it.

I hold tissue to it for a while, my eye has now got a spectacularly dark purple bruise around it. I wait a minute and take the tissue away. Its stopped bleeding, I take out a few different things to try covering the bruised eye, make up isn't an option because firstly I dont wear it and secondly there is none in the house.

I shrug, then I freeze as I look back into the mirror, Derek is standing right behind me, his alpha eyes radiating heat from the furious red.

"What the hell, Stiles?" He growled, I look away,

"You're the one who walked in to the bathroom when it was locked," I murmur,

"I heard you come in, then up here and the lock of the door. I got worried when I smelt blood," he explains, I look at the tissue with my blood on it.

I roll my eyes,

"Well you don't need to be worried, I'm fine," I say, he pulls me to face him,

"No you're not, they've seriously hurt you Stiles, I mean why let them do it?" He demands, I look down, his hand is on my face again, he runs his fingers over my cut lip.

He puts his arms around me, I lean into his chest, he runs his hands over my back, I inhale a deep breathe but let out a cry of pain, and stumble back.

"Stiles!" Derek reaches out to stop me from falling, holding onto my arms, he looks down at my chest then up,

"They didn't, they broke it yesterday, they wouldn't go for it again," he stated, I raise my eyebrows and grimace,

"Um of course they didn't," I lie, he narrows his eyes, not believing me. He pulls my shirt up and a growl escapes from his mouth, it was definitely worse.

"Stiles, I will got to that school and literally rip their throats out with my teeth," he states angrily.

I run my hand across my face,

"Don't it's fine, please, there's only a few days until the break," I plead, he glares at the wall,

"I'm not just going to sit here and watch you get bruised and battered like a rag doll, Stiles, you're an amazing person okay? You're smart, annoyingly sarcastic and a good friend," he said, my eyes were wide, I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips.

" I don't like seeing you get hurt," he finishes, standing inches away from me,

"You're one soft sourwolf," i grin, he glares at me,

"I'm not soft," he growls.

"You are for Stiles," Scott's voice echoed through the bathroom, he was standing there grinning.

"What? I was sitting down there alone for an hour," he explained, Derek glared at him aswell but i saw in his eyes a glimmer of guilt.

Scott came over to me,

"I can come back if you want," he offered,

"No it's fine," i smile. Scott said he was going to go then, i sat down on my bed, Derek followed.

"Stiles," he said gruffly,

"Yeah?" I reply, lying down carefully on my back, it was dark outside, from my window i could see the stars twinkling beautifully in individual ways.

"Who were you talking about when you says that you were beaten for being gay, you said you liked a guy who hates you?" He asks, i see his hands tense up into fists, i sit up,

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter does it?" I try steering away from the question, he looks at me, almost burning a hole right through me, i sigh.

"It's um......the guy i like.....he'," i finally admit, closing my eyes afraid i was about to be murdered.

I hear his sharp intake of breathe,

"And why do you think i hate you?" He snarls, i dont look at him,

"Well, a lot of reasons you stopped talking to me for a while, you would shoot daggers my way, and well there's more but i don't want to share," i say quietly, moving away from Derek.

It was silent for a while,

"I don't hate you Stiles," he says firmly, my eyes widen but still afraid to look at him, he uses his thumb to tilt my head up to look at him,

"I'm actually in love with you Stiles," he admits, my heart is practically beating out of my chest, he leans in and presses his lips to mine. I kiss back and then it becomes more passionate and I'm on my back, running my hands through his hair. His arms are on either side of me, then he pulls his arm up and lies on his side, pulling me into his arms.

When we stopped he kept his arms around me protectively,

"I'll bring you to school and also wait for you after aswell, Is that okay? " he asks, I know he's trying to make sure I'm safe and okay but he can't do anything during the actual school hours.

"That's fine, I love your car," I mumble then fall asleep.

Allison's P.O.V

I just arrived at school when Jackson came over looking annoyed,

"Can you sit with us? I mean just dont sit with Stilinski. He's a weirdo," he stated, I glare at him,

"You're so rude, Jackson, Stiles is a nice guy unlike you," then moved away and headed inside to my locker. Erica was standing there leaning on it.

"Hello," she greeted, I smile, she's wearing skinny jeans and a black tank top, showing a fair amount of cleavage in which I tried not to keep looking at.

"Nice outfit," I say, she smirks,

"Thank you!" She exclaimed, I see Derek standing outside with Stiles, I narrow my eyes then they immediately widen when I see him kiss Stiles.

"They make a great couple," Erica comments behind me, I see Jackson's mixture look of surprise and disgust. He is terrified of Derek so he wouldn't dare say a word.

Erica looks bored,

"Come on," she pulls me into the girls bathroom,

"What?" I ask, she shrugs and pulls out her red lipstick and begins smearing it over her lips. She makes a pout face then turns and looks at me,

"Want some?" She asks, I shake my head,

"No thanks I'm wearing my light pink," I smile, she grins,

"What colour does red and pink make?" She mused, there was no time to find out because the bell went. I frown as I watch her go, she makes me very suspicious sometimes.

I follow her out and head to Biology.

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