»chapter 1«

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That was a year ago. And everything changed in that year, my grades dropped and my mind was constantly battling with me.

It felt like a bullet through my heart when my teacher told me how I was going from A* to D. It just proves that parents can ruin everything.

Them plaguing my mind ruined my life and I betted they didn't even know what was happening. They couldn't be bothered to keep in contact with me, so if they weren't stalking me I had no idea how they would find out.

University was fun, until my best friend turned against me and claimed that I betrayed her trust because I slept with her boyfriend. For the record, I never did.

It was a lie he made up because for some reason because me he hated my guts, like most people. But I didn't blame them.


I yawned and stretched like the devil's long lost child before ambling into the kitchen.

After a few seconds, I decided I'd go out of the norm and go to Starbucks and get something nice to treat myself.

I got dressed quickly, which surprised me because I hadn't really mastered the skill because all I seemed to do was lay in bed and mope about, drowning in my sorrows and misfortunes.

I got out of the door and made my way to the nearest Starbucks. I lived near one so I could sate my tumblr appetite every time I felt the need too.

"Oi mate," a boy said, who was probably in his early 20's with brown hair, and shoved the person next to him. The person next to him was a sight to behold, a tall blue-eyed blonde boy with a smile that could kill.

Stop, you don't deserve him. I told myself, like my parents would've done had they been here.

I saw the blonde one looking at me intently and I instantly got creeped out and ran away from him.

I wished people paid less attention to me, and I don't really understand why people pay attention to me?

I'm a 5ft9 brown-haired bitch that hardly smiles with green eyes like an ugly toad. I'm not anything special.

After that somewhat strange encounter, I got into the Starbucks and got a frappe. I decided to fuck it and sat down, no I didn't literally fuck it as that would be terrifying.

But how would you fuck a Starbucks cup? I'd be fucking a cup called 'Hoily'. And that's not a name I'd fuck and I doubt it would fuck me.

Okay, yeah stop getting sidetracked now.

*Simon's POV*

Me and Josh walked into the Starbucks. We were planning to get a normal frappe when something caught my eye.

In the corner of the store, the beautiful girl who I saw on the street was sat crying. I attempted to run over to her to find out what was wrong but Josh pulled me back.

"Okay loverboy, stop," Josh said, pushing me back into the line next to him. He was stronger than me so there was no point trying to escape.

But I wanted to know what was wrong with the beautiful green-eyed girl whose name I really wanted to know. It surprised me still, how no one had even noticed the girl or at least paid attention to her.

Maybe that was Crying Corner or some crazy shit like that. Fuck it, I decided and slipped away from Josh to where the girl was.

His reflexes weren't quick enough so he didn't grab me, luckily.

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl and she looked up at me in disbelief whilst her eyes still leaked tears. She nodded and I furrowed my eyebrows, she wasn't okay, I could tell you that. "You're not."

"Well if you knew I wasn't, why did you ask me?" She retorted, grabbing her bag and looking as though she was about to charge out of the store. I was shocked by her feistiness, usually girls just fell for me.

"You can tell me what's wrong?" I said and grabbed her hand. She pulled hers away and rolled her eyes.

"Move along fuckboy," she said and then stamped on my foot.

"I'm only looking out for you."

"Well I'd look out for this," she said and swung her bag at my hip. Ow. I liked this girl, she was different, she didn't immediately cave in to me like most girls did for some strange reason. But she hurt me and that's a bitch move no matter who it is.

"Thanks," I said and let out a slight chuckle. Her facial expression showed she was not impressed and with one more roll of the eyes she left the store. "Wait!"

I shouted after her but she didn't stop. She continued running and I couldn't catch up to her. I knew what I had to do, I knew she'd come back to this Starbucks and I'd be here when she did. That sounded very stalker, whoops.

Accident, I promised myself.

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