Chapter 1

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*Emily's P.O.V*


Today's the last day of school, for summer. I have to suffer through one more day of hell before I can have 10 weeks off. Oh, and did I mention, I'm starting college!! I'm so excited! Going to a school where no one knows me, away from all the idiots I've been with for the last 5 years. But fortunately, I get to spend the summer touring with my brother and his band around the U.K and Ireland. My brother, Charlie Jones, perhaps you've heard of him? Ex-Stereo Kicks member, current Over Atlantic member.

" Right, let's go"

I haven't met the boys, yet. They're all flying in today to stay with us and them start the tour in a few days, they will be picking us up from our last day in hell.

Our dad dropped us outside the gate, telling us he'll see us later, as usual.
Thankfully, me and Charlie have the same group of friends, so we're never that far away from each other, which keeps us close. Some people would call us the 'popular' ones. But we don't think we are. The popular ones are usually the prettiest, the fittest, sometimes they're full of themselves, selfies posted every other day, not afraid to show what they have physically. We don't do that. We're just being ourselves, not really caring what people think, we're just nice to everyone really.

"Morning Em, can you believe it's our last day ever here! Isn't it fantastic!"

That's Beth. My best friend.

"Morning sunshine, I know, I'll miss the food, nothing else"

"Mmh... The food does play a big factor in my slight sadness, Kieron plays the rest"

Kieron is this fit guy at sixth form that Beth has this insane crush on, for ages.

"I mean, what am I going to do? I won't see him everyday"

Beth's coming to the same college as me, thankfully, I've got rid of everyone but her and Charlie.

"Beth, I'm sure you'll live, you can find a new Kieron at college."

"You're probably right."

*Charlie's P.O.V*

Ew. School.

Thank goodness it's the last day! I didn't know how much longer I would've lasted. So excited for tour though, I've told the boys that Emily is strictly off limits, I doubt that'll last long though.


Ugh, let's go.

*Emily's P.O.V*

*Skip to lunch*
We sat around the same table we've sat at everyday for the last 5 years, for the very last time.

"This is it guys"
"I know it's great that we're leaving but sad because we'll never sit here again."

*Skip to the end of the day*


Right I'm off, goodbye hell hole, summer here i come!

I said goodbye to Beth and my friends and made my way out to meet the boys, for the first time. I expected Charlie to have caught up with me at this point but he was no where to be seen so I figured it'd be good to meet the boys without Charlie's influence.

"So, you must be the famous Emily."

I looked up to find these two big blue eyes and a blonde ruffle of hair staring down at me.

"I'm Sean"
"Lovely to meet you Sean"
"You too"

He gave me a quick look up and down which I wasn't particularly fond of so I moved on to meet the others. I'd heard about a few of them from Charlie so could kind of tell who was who.

"Trevor, right?"
"Yep, lovely to meet you Emily"
"You too."

"So that means, you're Liam, and you're Gabe?"
"True that"

Charlie still hadn't caught up with us and I was beginning to wonder where he's got to. He hadn't text me or anything to say he'd gone home so we waited for him for a while and he finally came jogging out, a good half an hour after school had finished.

"So sorry guys, detention. I take it you've all met then"

I suddenly felt this arm around my shoulder that I didn't like.

"Yep, we're all best friends!"

I looked up to find Sean looking down at me with a smirk on his face. I shoved his arm off my shoulder and gave him a sarcastic smile

"Yeah, besties......"

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I've had some school stuff to focus on recently, here's the first chapter, please comment and tell me what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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