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You peared around the corner to watch Ludwig reading in his library. Nervously, you slid into the room and sat down, concealing the item you held in your hands. He looked over his glasses at you with his blue eyes, and couldn't help but smile. He set his book aside and lightly kissed your forehead. "I have a suprize for you." He chuckled slightly before saying, "Vell, vat is it?" You placed your hand over his eyes and placed your suprize upon his lap. "Can I look now?" He lifted your hand off of his face and glanced down at the item in his lap. Resting upon his lap was an item of clothing for a baby constructed of black, red, and gold. All of the blood drained from his face as he ran one hand over it. You raised your hand to place it on his soulder, but he swereved around and siezed yours. He looked worried, happy, excited, and as though he would faint at any moment, all at once. He stared into your eyes and his rapid breathing hitting your face. You both searched for the right words to express how you felt, but could come up with none. So, you just threw your arms around his neck and snuggled into his shirt. He draped his own arms around you and burried his face into your hair. "_-______?" He whispered. "Ich libe dich."  You kissed his neck and then the two of you began discussing names.

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