Chapter 3

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Ryan's POV

For the past weekend I have been with YN and we have been having so much fun being friends with benefits if you know what I mean.

Right now I'm on my way to school.

I got to school and went to my locker.

Justin: Hey Ryan

Ryan: Hey man

I then saw YN walking to us, she just looks so beautiful.

Justin: Hey YN

YN: Hey guys

Justin's POV

When YN came to us, she and Ryan were smiling like idiots with eachother.

Justin: um you guys

YN: Oh yeah what's up

Ryan: yeah what's up

Then the bell rang and we all headed to class.

During the whole day YN and Ryan have been acting weird.


I was walking to my locker when I saw Justin standing in front of my locker.

YN: Hey Jay

Justin: Hey YN want to hang out today

YN: sure

Justin: Ok pick you up at 6:00

YN: alright bye

I went home and got changed and then Justin came to pick me up and we went to the carnival.

We played games and had a good time. Justin walked me to my front door.

Justin: YN can I ask you some thing?

YN: yeah

Justin: would you go out with me and be my girlfriend?


what do you think will happen?

what will YN say?




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