Seeing Daisuke Again

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Traci and Antonio are taking a hike through the forest holding hands after they said goodbye to Traci's family at the airport.

"So, your family from Texas was nice," Antonio says.

"I know, the summer I spent there was one of my favorites," Traci says.

A few seconds later their morphers ring and they run off to where the others the city, several more Giant Moogers arrive, with one of them destroying a nearby building causing panic in the crowd, the Rangers head to the place. They count six Giant Moogers and go on Megamode. Antonio gets Clawzord and Octozord to join in the fight. The regular Rangers then go into the Battlewing Megazord, while Antonio combines Clawzord and Octozord. Traci calls for her zords too. After fighting the regular ground Moogers, flying Moogers come in to join, and the Battlewing Megazord does quick work on them. Then they use their Katana power, Final Strike, to destroy the remaining Giant Moogers.

The Rangers (except Antonio) arrive at the Tengen Gate. They stop by the memorial for the first samurai ranger team battled the Nighlok.

"I remember now. My mom told that Sanzu River flooded the city." Traci says.

"Right, the Rangers won because they never gave up," Jayden says.

"The story also said that the Green Ranger was a prankster," Daisuke says.

"Well. Mike that explains a lot about your personality," Traci says.

"Hey," Mike snaps.

"The Green Ranger's antics drove the Blue Ranger crazy," Daisuke says.

"They still were best friends," Traci says.

"That is correct Traci," Daisuke says.

"Traci, how does the elder guardian know your name?" Kevin asks.

"Remember, I said that I visited Panorama City when I was five. My mom and I came here first to get my mom's morpher." Traci answers.

"Right, shall we get started?" Daisuke says.

The group but Traci follow the younger guardian down the sidewalk. Traci looks back over at the monument. Daisuke walks over to her and places his hand on her shoulder."You have told them about your learning disability have you?"

"No, Daisuke I haven't. Wait, you know that I'm Dyslexic?" Traci says.

"Yes, your mom sent me a letter explaining everything that has happened since the divorce." Daisuke answers.

"They maybe my friends now, but I'm just not ready to tell them yet," Traci says.

Arachintor and his group of Moogers sneak onto the Tengen Gate. The junior gives them something to drink, and then Traci take a sip, they fall to the ground, and telling the others that the drink is poisoned.

A Senior guardian then comes and tells Daisuke that the Nighlok are attacking the Tengen Gate. Moogers attack the guardians, and Octoroo pops up. Daisuke reminds the Nighlok that they were defeated here once, and will be defeated again. Octoroo then attempts to attack him, but the Junior Guardian jumps in Octoroo's way and is badly hurt. He then tries to attack Daisuke, but Traci tells Octoroo not to hurt them. In the courtyard, the others fight off the Moogers.

Meanwhile, Octoroo then intervenes and forces Traci to give up her penguin disk. One of the Rangers then alerts Antonio, who is busy serving fish to Deker, to go to the Tengen Gate. Deker is curious, and instead of eating the fish as Antonio said, follows him.

The four other Rangers are busy fighting Arachnitor when Antonio comes, who throws knives at Arachnitor. Kevin then tells him to go help Jayden, on which Arachnitor comments that "he comes to help you, and you tell him to go away?" and fights the other Rangers with ease. They all are defeated quickly, and he disappears. Meanwhile, Octoroo tells Traci all she has to do is give up power disc, and he'll give her the antidote. A few seconds later she sees Antonio run up, Then he morphs and fights Octoroo, who says that this is a "private" conversation. Deker then comes and finds out that the fisherman, Antonio, is the Gold Ranger. Deker then intervenes and takes Traci with him.

"Hey, come back here with my girlfriend," Antonio shots.

Octoroo disappears behind a gap to the Netherworld, and Antonio goes back for the other Rangers. He finds them badly wounded and calls Mentor to get them help.

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