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   I am Sonana, an Altmer, living in Skyrim. Throughout my spoils and adventures on this desolate land, I started off my life as a servant girl in Markarth. My mother, whomever she was, loved me enough to give me to a rich family. I was disgraced by the father and older children of the family, but the mother of the family, Fae Steel-Bear, adored me. She brought me up teaching me the proper ways to clean a stone floor and cook a decent meal. Despite acting mean towards me whenever the other were around and making me sleep in the cold cellar, after everyone went to bed, she brought me outside and whispered old Nord stories and taught me about the stars. For hours I was taught about lands across the sea, which I was determined to catch a glimpse of, and I remember asking so many questions about life. Sometimes I was taught how to put on war paint and how to do hair. After an hour or so wandering around the old Dwemer city, we would go inside before anybody noticed we were missing.

On the 18th of Last Seed, She told me to escape and leave. She handed me a large sack containing food, some gold, a dagger, and some extra clothes she ushered me off out of the city. I don't know what happened to her, or why I had to go, I never really thought about it much. I fled to Riften. A girl in poverty with no family attracted the attention of the local Orphanage, not to forget the occasional traveler sent by my fake father to look for me, I was forced into the Ratways.

"No! No! Please, stop! I didn't do anything!" I begged my pursuer.

At this point I had awaken the whole underground city, refuges came out of the shadows and glanced up at the pitiful child being chased by a hefty Nord warrior, with enough scars to give a Sabre cat a run for it's money. Those brave enough were quickly silenced by his follower. I could tell he was reluctant to be chasing a runaway child who had nothing wrong, but he got paid enough gold, so what did it matter. I ran smack into a door and my pursuer grabbed my arm, giving him a scowl, I bit him hard. His companion let out a loud laugh and the Nord howled in pain. I shoved open the door and ran. I pool of water took of most of the place, the rest was inhabited by intimidating people.

Oh no. More people. I thought weakly. Me being desperate for help and being only 10, I ran up to a guy. You could tell he was quite young, 15 maybe.

"Help me. That man is trying to hurt me!" I pleaded.

He gave me a glance. He glanced at the door.

"Go hide behind the bar, and DO NOT utter a word." He ordered.

I scampered behind the bar were a was given a dagger by the car tender and told not to worry. 3 people advanced on the open door, in came the Nord his hand bleeding.

"rrrrrrrAAAAAAHHHHH" he bellowed.

"Where is the elf?!" he screamed.

"You want her? Go through me first." the man I begged, smirked.

"No issue, you're hardly a man." the Nord snickered.

" I may be just a man, but can you take all of us?" he challenged. At least 4 more people about his age peeled out of the shadows, weapons drawn.

His companion eyes turned the size of saucers.

"No amount of money will get me to aid you now." at that moment his companion turned and walked out the door.

"Dirge, how should we gut 'em?" a girl dark elf asked the man I'd begged.

Dirge smiled.

"How about words and then a good plundering to the face?"

"Sounds lovely." She snarled.

Author note:

To be edited and added onto, thanks for reading. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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