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Its been a good 2 months since Max and I moved out of the palace and into our new house. His father has refused to visit claiming that it's not where we should be but Xavier and his family have visited us and Madison was currently sitting on our bed rambling about what was happening at the palace and how Xavier had been thinking about moving out of the palace as well but it wasn't yet a definite

"His father is literally always on our case about when are we going to have kids of our own and get engaged" Madison grumbled making me give her a soft smile

"Max and I got engaged and our wedding isn't for another four weeks. We were engaged for a year and a lot happened during that time" I said finishing changing Mason's diaper and putting him beside his brother

"Would you have waited to have kids with Max if you had the chance?" She asked and I nodded

"We both do. Max and I had wanted to wait until the kids were a bit older when they didn't need much attention from us but what's done is done and we can't change it. We love them all just as much and Xander has fitted into the family quite well and the boys enjoy playing with him while Victoria loves dressing him up whenever they play tea" I said and she smiled

"I bet. He's a sweet kid who deserves a happy life and one where he's loved and cared for. I'm still shocked about Morgan. From what I heard he was a good guy" she said and i nodded though I had only seen him twice since Max and I leaned about being mates

"Yeah" I murmured since Max did tell me about his and Morgan's relationship before they became lovers.

"But don't change the subject now. Don't you want a baby?" I asked and watched her smile fall as an expression of hurt took over

"Of course I do, we both do but we decided to wait a bit to try again" she replied making me frown

"What do you mean?" I asked and she looked up with tears in her eyes making me gasp and rushing over to her side leaving the kids clothes on the basket by the door

"What's wrong?" I asked and she whimpered clinging to me

"I ha-had a miscarriage" she murmured and I gasped

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Madison. I didn't know" I mumbled and she shook his head

"Not your fault. We didn't want to tell anyone about what happened specially his dad" she said with a sniffle and I frowned feeling like shit for bringing it up even though I didn't know about it I still shouldn't have brought it

"Is he pressuring you into having baby?" I asked pulling away and looking down at her-she was a few inches shorter than me- and wiped hertears away

"God you have no idea. He thinks that he can just boss us around demanding us to pop a baby as if they didn't take time to creat. Dr. Jefferson even told me to not stress and to be in stress free zone as it would cause a miscarriage. We told him to not say a word to anyone about what had happened or that we were expecting until Xavier and I were ready to tell" she whispered with a sniffle running his nose

"He used to be so nice what the hell happened to him? Like he used to always yell at Max whenever he made me cry and I had to leave the palace and now he's so moody and mean. He was maybe an hot at most in the recovery room with the family before he left. Didn't even spare a glance at the twins" I said and Madison just sighed

"I think that he's getting to old and that everything pisses him off" she chucked making me smile

"I think so too" I agree making her laugh

"Come on let me help you with the folding so we can go see what our mates and kids are doing" she added and I smiled nodding. We spent the next half hour talking about random things and laughing and before we knew it, we were done folding the laundry and we going to each room to put away the clothes before returning to mine and Max's room to get the babies so we could head down stairs and to the back. Summer was closing in and the kids couldn't be happier since they'll be out of school for the summer.

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