Chapter Twenty-Six: Heart-To-Heart

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When I finally gave the crowd following me the okay to stop, it was met with a sea of relieved sighs. We had been walking for an entire day; I hadn't felt safe resting last night in case we were being followed, so I had pressed them on. Although not a popular decision among my tired Insurgo, it had certainly put distance between them and us. I was quite sure they hadn't followed us very far; Uxor warriors weren't that ambitious. As they all unloaded their belongings, which mostly included pillows and blankets to sleep with from the cart, I walked around and made sure everyone else was getting settled well. I found Felix hanging around by the end of the makeshift camp sullenly, staring at the ground and stroking Noir as if bothered.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"No," he said quickly, almost angrily.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Just give me some space." I nodded and was about to turn and leave him to whatever it was he was doing, but there was something off about Noir... She was looking at me funny, as if she was upset.

"What's wrong with Noir?"

"She was almost killed, no thanks to you," he muttered. "Isn't that reason enough to be upset?" I narrowed my eyes slightly, not liking the accusing tone he was taking on.

"Excuse you," I growled, "but how exactly was that my fault?" For once, he actually squared up to me.

"You put me in an horrible situation, Lyra. I'm no good with killing people. You should have done it and then that way Stella wouldn't have even had a chance to hurt Noir." My eyes widened; how dare he blame me for that?

"I wasn't the one who put you in that situation, now was I? As I recall, it was Nephele."

"But you are the one who's supposed to stick up for me." His voice softened as he spoke again. "I thought you cared." My temper lessened a bit.

"You need to learn to stick up for yourself," I said gently. "I might not be there all the time to protect you."

"Its not about protecting me," he sighed. "Its about both of us being on the same page; you know, sticking up for each other? Its what couples do, isn't it? Or are we not a couple either? Are you too busy to even be around for that?" I was a bit taken back by how hurtful he was being. It shocked me. I grabbed my sword from its hilt and held it sideways, inches from his eyes, so he could look at it.

"This is why I'm busy!" I hissed. "I have an entire camp to protect, one that you won't lift a finger to aid me in defending because you're incapable! Do you think I enjoy killing? I hate it! If I never have to use this thing," I tossed it, embedding it into the trunk of a nearby tree, "again, it will be too soon! How dare you be so selfish?" He glared at me.

"Oh, I see how it is. You think I'm incapable of helping you protect, so you decide to let Nephele force me into the deep end by risking the life of my Animus? Excuse me for failing to see the good side to that."

"That was not my intention at all!" I snapped, outraged at how he had interpreted this. "Why don't you stand up against Nephele? That's your problem!"

"You know what, Lyra?" he hissed, "I'd expect this from her, but not from you. Maybe that's your problem. Maybe you're so wrapped up with the problems of the world, that you fail to see the problems that lie under your nose." I smirked.

"And I'll tell you something. Let me remind you of one tiny little word that you're all too familiar with: Twelve. Remember? That used to be your name!" I spat. "I gave you freedom and a life besides being Nephele's little boxing dummy, and if you can't appreciate me wanting to do the same for other men, men that used to be just unhappy as you were, you are not the person I thought you were." He stepped back, hurt in his eyes.

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