cute || kagehina

108 5 2

prompt: cute kisses at random times

warning(s): kissing, may cause feels

ship: kagehina ; haikyuu!!

note(s): gET READY TO DIE! aHAHAHAHAH *laughs manically*

* * *

every single time they completed their new quick during practice, hinata would look at his boyfriend of 5 months, waiting to be congratulated.

at first, the setter simply high-fived him as he thought it was what he wanted or ruffled his hair and said "good job". hinata had been content with that, but over time, he wanted more: a hug or a kiss. after all, they were dating and this was to be expected, right?

it was a pleasantly cool afternoon and practice had started well enough.

throughout practice, the blue-eyed player constantly thought, he looks so cute today, i have to control myself around him... i can't... i have to... but...

yet, he focused on tossing the volleyball to hinata. and all the smaller boy thought was, i want him to kiss me after spiking the ball exceptionally.

that is, until their new quick did so well against team b's 3 blockers that the spiker looked at kageyama, waiting for a kiss or, at the very least, a hug.

in rapid succession, the following events happened before anyone knew what had been going on.

kageyama ruffled hinata's hair and said "well done." but for hinata, it wasn't enough.

he grabbed the setter's jersey roughly before pulling him down to eye-level and kissing him roughly. a kiss that began innocently as the other boy was simply startled. as soon as kageyama knew what was happening, he began to kiss his boyfriend back and licked his bottom lip gently. as hinata began to open his mouth slowly, the setter put his tongue in the other's mouth and began to kiss him passionately. his right going to cup hinata's jaw while the left went to caress the back of his neck, at the spot where the smaller boy's hair ended at a soft, orange point. he softly tugged at the velvety locks that he had missed feeling (even though they kissed briefly during morning practice, before classes began, and before afternoon practice began, but he'll never admit to it). however, hinata was definitely not going to lose to his boyfriend. he began to push his tongue against kageyama's defiantly, not letting him do as he damned pleased. hinata knew how to make kageyama become pliant under his hands. hinata's left hand went up to the back of his head and roughly tugged at his boyfriend's ebony hair as his right moved to cup the back of his neck. immediately, the setter let out an embarrassing whine as he pulled the spiker towards him as if it would never be enough to be kissing him. their tongues pushed against each other, neither back down. yet kageyama faltered every time hinata pulled at his hair. hinata stopped for a short second to make soft noises that his boyfriend loved knowing he was the one making hinata feel that way every time he whispered hinata's name into his mouth.

all that was heard were kissing and sucking noises in the gym as the players and everyone in the gym was frozen in shock. everyone was quite embarrassed to see them kissing, completely forgetting where they were.

as the boys pulled apart, they stared into each others' eyes lovingly. hinata thought, i would be more motivated if this was how i'd be rewarded.

realization slowly dawned on them as they looked past their lover and to their red-faced teammates. daichi coughly awkwardly as suga stood next to him, smiling broadly as if he knew all along this would happen. asahi was completely red but nishinoya began to laugh loudly along with tanaka but ennoshita simply looked at them as if to say, guys, chill. tsukishima and yamaguchi had begun a quiet conversation and both snickered at the couple. the coach and their advisor quickly glanced at each other and looked away just as fast, both blushing deeper than before. their manager was looking at them with her eyes fangirling as yachi was busy snapping photos of her otp.

of course, everyone had already known they were dating due to the fact that the due had been caught shirtless and making out in the gym during their extra "practice". but this, this was on a whole new level.

kageyama and hinata both began to apologize profusely to everyone but their teammates laughed loudly. their senpais laughing at their kouhai for being so impatient, coach ukai and their advisor staying silent but smiling, and their managers silently fangirling and both grinning broadly.

"alright boys, this will be the hundredth time i say this to the team and everyone in it: no kissing or doing anything during practice unless it was an exceptionally executed play." daichi said, smiling softly, fully knowing he was just also at fault because of suga being irresistible. "as in this case, it was acceptable due to hinata's amazing quick but... less."

suga being their mom, sorry their vice-captain, smiled and simply said, "if you need anything ask. if you're not sure ask. just always be protected and be aware of where you are, okay kids."

"i'm so-it's just that-well-it's all this dumbass's fault for looking so cute and spiking so well!!" kageyama screamed, turning to his boyfriend.

"me? what, me? it's all your fault for only ruffling my hair or saying 'good job' or high-fiving me and not hugging me or kissing me!! you're such an idiot kageyama!!" hinata screamed back, turning away from the setter, turning pink.

"well you should've said something dumbass..." kageyama mumbled.

"let's get back to practice!" dadichi, sorry daichi, said loudly.

"you really think i'm cute?" he whispered to the blue-eyed player as they moved back to their spots.

"well yeah, how can't i dumbass?" the other boy replied, his ears turning pink.

at that, hinata couldn't help the grin that creeped up onto his face and stayed for the rest of practice.

and maybe, just maybe, they kissed again just as they did during practice before they went their separate ways to arrive home. and maybe it became routine for them to do so before they separated and every time both players did extremely well during any of their practices.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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