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A story in which, Kim Taehyung, a guy who meets a beautiful young lady; Park Jinia works at a coffee shop and Taehyung is her number one costumer.

age: it was never properly mentioned, Jinia is 23 years old. she dropped out of her freshmen year of college at the age of 18. i am in no way portraying a relationship between a minor and an adult. sorry for any kind of confusion!
Jinia pov-
As I sat up front, waiting for some costumers to walk in I played my phone. Bored. Today was a slow day. Really, no one was there. It made me want to quit my job and look for a new one. But I knew I couldn't because no one would be looking to hire a 18 year old drop out like myself. I was a no one.

Only reason I got this job was because I'm friends with my boss from school Kim Seokjin. He didnt want me living out on the streets or with some creepy guy nor did he want me to become a hooker.... What the hell right? Well that's how he thinks nowadays.

"Jinia come here a second," said Seokjin, speak of the devil. I paused my game, locked my phone and walked over to see what he wanted. "You and I are gonna lock up for the night, its not a busy night like it was last week so its safe to leave. If you want I could have Yoongi walk you back to your apartment."

"No no. It's fine, I can walk by myself its only," I looked at my watch. "Only 9:00." He smiled and walked away to the Employee room. I followed behind him to see Yoongi fast asleep on the couch we kept in there for a nap or you know..?

"Jinia, was it boring out there?" My friend, Jimin asked. I sighed opening up my locker, I pulled my bag out and pulled my shirt over my head to be only in my tank top. "I take that as a yes." He giggled.

Jimin was a good friend, I enjoyed his company very much. He was a, best friend to me. Just like Hoseok, our coworker who was off today. They can brighten up your shitty mood really quick. When I'm crying about a guy who dumped me I'll call them and not less then 10 minutes later, they'll be there at my door with a large box of pizza and three tubs of icecream.

"It was shitty."

"Language!" Seokjin said coming up behind me poking my side like a little baby.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "It was crappy. It wasn't no one, and when I say no one," I tapped Yoongi to wake up but he didn't move until Jimin kissed him to wake him. "I mean no one."

Jimin, Yoongi and I live in the same apartment building so we're with each other like 24/7. It was actually good for me. If I didnt have them, my life would be trash. We walked out to the apartment, Yoongi and Jimin holding hands while I felt like a third-fucking-wheel. I need a man. A goofy one who has one or two kinks, like me. I'll tell you a secret.

My kinks are being called 'Princess' and chokers. Fuck, arent they both hot as hell? When someone calls me that, I automatically feel my legs turn to jelly and my throat get really dry. Its weird, I have no clue where I got it from.

"Jinia, we should go on a double date. We have this one guy friend, he's so fucking hot." Jimin said grabbing my hand. Yoongi playfully hit Jimin's arm. "Oops. If you say yes I promise he'll make you happy. Not like those others we had to beat up."

I ponder it a bit, placing my hand on my chin as if I was really thinking. It has been like four months... Four-fucking-months since I've been in a relationship, hell since I talked to someone in that way. Was I really ready? Did I really want to get myself set up for another heartbreak? A one week fling?

"O-okay then...."

Daddy Kink; KTHWhere stories live. Discover now