Harry Peake

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In the Canadian city of Ottawa, something crashed down in the house of the Peake family. Something almost like liquid metal. When the male touched it, there was a bright light that caused everyone to cover their eyes and next thing everyone knew, there was the sound of a baby crying. When they looked, there was a blue haired baby crying on the floor. A soft sigh escaped the male and he picked up the baby.
Years later, at the age of eighteen, Harry Peake managed to join the team of firefighters after he charged headfirst into a burning building to rescue a girl and her dog. Somehow they hadn't made it out in time. When he came back out, in his arms was the girl. Around his shoulders was the dog, and his face had some ash on it, his shirt being somewhat torn as well. The girl was handed to her parents and the dog jumped off his shoulders. All that and he wasn't wearing a protective outfit that firefighters usually wear. That and Harry had been with his parents when the whole ordeal went down. After receiving thanks and hugs from the parents, he found own parents giving him looks of concern when he went to them. "Do you realize you could've died?" The father asked. "I'm still alive, aren't I?" Harry asked. "Besides, you should've seen this coming." And with that, the energetic blue haired teen took his phone from his mother and made to leave when a firefighter stopped him. "Hey, kid." Red eyes looked at the firefighter. "Yeah?" "What you did back there was pretty brave for a civilian. I'm fire chief Zoey Brown. How would you like to be a firefighter?" She asked. Harry just stared in disbelief for a moment before responding with, "Yeah. Seems like fun," and a smile on his face. "Hold on a moment, you can't just make a rash decision like that," Harry's mother said. A sigh escaped the teen. "You should know by now this is who I am," he said. He looked back at his parents with a smile on his face. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." "Are you sure about this though?" The father asked. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't have said yes," Harry said. "Want to ride shotgun?" Zoey asked. Harry's eyes widened and he looked at her. "Boy would I!" He exclaimed, smiling wider. "Fire's been extinguished chief," another firefighter said moments later. "Alright then, come on then Leonardo," Zoey said and led him to the fire truck, laughter coming from the male. "Don't forget to clean your face," Harry's mom called after him.

-two years later-

Everyone heard about the transformers and how they lived in Detroit, though now they acted like it was no big thing because they were used to technology. A fire in a downtown bakery and there was a couple people trapped inside. Harry 'Hot Spot' Peake was sent in to retrieve those inside. Ever since he was recruited, he never wore the firefighter uniform. Well, except for the hat. The only color they had left to give him was blue, like his hair. When he went into the building, he was wearing a mask on his face and an air tank on his back. "Is anyone in here?" He called out. Someone cried out from the kitchen area. Harry immediately went to where the sound came from to see a couple kids trapped by flames, one holding a teddy bear. Leaping over the flames, Harry made it to the kids. Once where they are, he threw them over his shoulders and carried them outside. However, he was almost out the door when the roof started caving in. A gasp escaped the older male and he shoved the kids outside as the roof collapsed on top of him. There was gasps from the other firefighters and the two kids. Harry attempted to free himself from the destruction, but the amount of rubble on top of him was too much and he ended up injuring his leg pretty badly. Next thing he knew, he was soaking wet and he heard something sparking. What was sparking? The blue haired male squirmed as he waited to be freed. After what felt like hours, Harry was freed and another firefighter helped him up. The mask, hat, and oxygen tank were removed from his person and he limped to the fire truck. "Hot Spot..." One said. "Yeah?" "Your leg..." Red eyes slowly trailed to his leg to see that not only was the pant leg ripped, but skin had been removed and that there was circuitry instead of blood. Nothing was said at first, but then he ended up calling his parents from his phone. When it was answered, instead of saying hello, he said, "How long have you known?" "How long have we known what?" Mother dearest asked. "How long have you known I'm not human?" Harry asked, not really caring that he was almost shouting. There was silence from the other side of the phone before she said, "As long as you've been alive." "And you think I wouldn't have wanted to know sooner?" "Look, we're sorry, but..." Harry ended the call then and there, not giving his father a chance to finish his answer. It was then that he turned and walked away from the others. "Where are you going?" Zoey asked when she saw him leaving. "I'm going to find the Autobots," he said. "But they live in the States." Red eyes looked at her. "So? I need to know what I am exactly." And with that, he continued on his way.
Chances are, he got lost in the woods halfway on his way to the States and a few days after he left, but that didn't deter him from making his way. He didn't seem to notice a crashed ship somewhere in the forest. Beachcomber, Warpath, Inferno, Smokescreen, and Springer were in stasis in the ship until a warning signal went off. The five Bots were taken out of stasis. The green one known as Springer went and checked the monitor. "Teletraan-5 is picking up a Cybertronian signal nearby, but it's tiny." "Beachcomber, you and I will check it out," Inferno said. "Yes sir," Beachcomber said. The two then transformed and made their way to the coordinates Springer gave them. When Harry heard engines approaching, he immediately stopped in his tracks and whirled around to see two unknown vehicles approaching. The two vehicles circled him before stopping. One of them silently commed Springer to ask if this was the right place, to which he confirmed. "Who are you guys?" Harry asked. He didn't know if there was humans inside the vehicles. The other noticed Harry's sparking knee. "You're... You're one of us aren't you?" Beachcomber asked. "Are you guys Autobots, or Decepticons?" Harry asked. Beachcomber transformed so Harry could see him full size and at least look at a face when talking. Inferno noticed and did the same thing. "We're Autobots," Beachcomber said. "What's your name?" "Beachcomber, and this is my team leader, Inferno," Beachcomber said. "What about you?" "Harry Peake. Can you tell me what I am?" Harry asked. "Come with us," Inferno said. The two bots then led Harry to their ship, where Inferno had Springer set up medbay. Once inside, Harry looked around in surprise. "Wow! This is amazing!" Beachcomber then picked up Harry by the back collar of his shirt and set him on the med table. Springer got to his level and looked him over. He did take a test on Harry's circuitry. When the result came in, his optics widened. "Apparently he was the one giving off that small Cybertronian signal." Springer looked at the others to see their optics were wide as well. "Wait, wait, wait. I just met you guys and apparently I'm one of your kind?" "It would seem so," Springer said and looked at the results. "And apparently there's four others younger than you out there. You five were part of the same protoform." "What's a protoform?" Harry asked, back at his usual energetic self. "Basic building block of all Cybertronians," Warpath said. "Well, this is great!" Harry said. "Let's go find them!" "Are you sure about this Harry?" Inferno asked. "Yeah I'm sure. I wanna meet my siblings," Harry said. "And if you guys want to help, you'll need better vehicle modes." Sure enough, Harry helped pick out vehicle modes for the five bots. Inferno got a firetruck; Warpath a tank; Beachcomber an atv, Springer an ambulance; and Smokescreen a race car. All were of Canadian design, obviously, since they're in Canada. A smile crossed Harry's face as he climbed into Inferno's driver seat. "Oh, so you want to go now, do you?" Inferno asked. "Yeah, let's go!" Harry said excitedly. "I can lead you to where they are," Springer said and transformed to robot mode, walking to the monitor. "Since they share the same Cybertronian DNA as Harry here, it should be easy to track them." "Well, we better get going before the Decepticons pick them off," Warpath said, slightly angered. "And if we find anything having to do with the Allspark, then we better take it," Smokescreen said. And with that, Inferno, Smokescreen, Warpath, and Beachcomber drove out of their ship and made their way to the States with Harry's guidance.
When they were in the state of Michigan, Beachcomber picked up an Allspark signature. "I've got something," he said. The four bots stopped and let Beachcomber go get it. What he came back with was a an Allspark shard. "I found this," he said and held it out. Inferno transformed, Harry resting on his hand. Upon Harry being near it, the shard started glowing, much to their surprise. Red eyes wide, Harry started walking to it. Inferno moved his hand to where the small one could just walk to the shard without falling. Once there, Harry picked it up and soon after, the shard transformed the charm on his bracelet into a key of sorts and a slot opened up on his chest. Warpath and Smokescreen transformed and joined the two bots and tiny half Cybertronian. As if on cue, the key was placed into Harry's chest. Next thing everyone knew, the half Cybertronian was transforming into the first male techno-organic. His two main colors are blue and black, with some red on his chest. Everyone was surprised to see this, even Harry, who was grinning from ear to ear under his mask. "This is awesome!" He cheered. The shard was placed on Beachcomber's servo and Harry skated back to Inferno's on a set of roller skates that transformed out of his feet. "We better get going," Inferno said, setting Harry on the ground. "We can find out what you can do later. Beachcomber, don't let anything happen to the shard." A nod from Beachcomber. The bots transformed to vehicle mode and took off. Harry ended up being faster than them on his roller skates somehow. He still stuck by Inferno, though.

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