Gordon Smith

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In the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, something like liquid metal had crashed in the Smith house. The incident that happened the year before with Harry happened this time, only there's just one parent instead of the usual two, as he never actually had a relationship before. A result of this is that the child ended up being more laid back and easy going instead of energetic and out there. Not to mention the fact that this one has black hair and orange eyes.
"Hey Gordon, you think you could go to the store and get a couple of things for me?" Lloyd asked as he pulled his hair into a ponytail. "Yeah, sure dad," Gordon said with a smile. "What do you need?" "Just some yogurt and bread is all. Think you can handle it?" Lloyd asked. Gordon nodded. "Of course I can." Lloyd then handed him the amount needed, along with some extra to buy something extra and off Gordon went to the store. The current age he's at is sixteen years old. His smile widened and he said hi to some people that passed by. When he was at the store, he walked in and immediately went to the bread aisle to pick out which loaf would be necessary. After that was dealt with, Gordon went to the dairy aisle to pick out which ones Lloyd would like. He chuckled a bit and picked out three different kinds. "Lets see if he likes these." Coffee, key lime pie, and Black Forest cake. This should be interesting to say the least. Gordon smiled widely and went to the checkout counter, where he purchased everything. He still had some extra money to spend. On the way back, he saw someone selling a puppy for cheap. Not wanting the puppy to go somewhere bad, he ended up buying the Dalmatian puppy. As soon as he walked in the front door, he said, "Dad, I'm back." The black haired male put the four things away before he found himself standing in front of Lloyd, holding the puppy in his arms. "I see you got a Dalmatian," Lloyd said. "I didn't want him to go to a bad home, so I bought him with the money I had left," Gordon told. "You better take care of him." "Of course I will."
Three years later, the puppy, named Mary, grew to full size. Gordon was playing with her when there was a knock at the door. Lloyd answered the door as both Gordon and Mary peered at them from behind a wall, toy sticking out of the dog's mouth. At the door was a blue haired and red eyed male taller than both Gordon and Lloyd. "Hi, how can I help you?" Lloyd asked. "Hello. My name is Harry Peake and I'm here to borrow Gordon for a while." "What do you want with him?" Lloyd asked. "There's something he needs to know," Harry said. "Well, whatever it is, you can say it in front of me." "I'm afraid not. Don't want someone else getting wind of it." It was then that Harry smiled. It was noted that Harry seems to be quite energetic. "Dad..." Lloyd looked to see Gordon standing there, Mary at his side. "It's ok. I'll go with him." "Are you sure about this?" Gordon nodded. "As long as I can take Mary with me." He placed a hand on the dog's head. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind," Harry said, smiling more. Gordon couldn't help but smile at him as he went with Harry, Mary trailing after him. Once outside, Gordon noticed four vehicles that hadn't been there before. "Pick a vehicle and we can go to a hidden location," Harry said. The black haired male went to the atv and placed a hand on the handle closest to him. "These vehicles don't look like an American design," Gordon pointed out. "Thats because they're of Canadian design," Harry told. "Brought them from Canada." "How?" Gordon asked. "You'd be surprised," Harry said. "Anyway, get on." A soft sound escaped Gordon as he got on the atv, placing his other hand on the other handle. Mary soon joined him and sat in the free space in front of him. Harry ended up taking the lead in the firetruck. Gordon followed right after, and then the other two followed him. They drove until they were a safe distance away from the city, where Harry climbed out of the truck. Gordon got off the atv after Mary did. "What's this all about, if you don't mind me asking," Gordon said. "We need you," a disembodied voice said. Gordon's eyes widened at that and he looked around to see where it came from. It was then that the firetruck transformed. Orange eyes looked up at the bot in surprise. One by one, the other three did the same thing. The same look of surprise looked at the other three. "You're Cybertronians, aren't you?" Gordon managed to asked. "So am I," Harry said. Curious, the black haired male looked at Harry in time to see him transform. This was too much for Gordon to handle, as he sat on the ground and hugged his Dalmatian. "This is a lot to take in, I know," Harry said and sat next to Gordon, who nodded. "Yeah, it is," Gordon agreed. Harry removed his mask, looking over the younger male. "How old are you by the way?" Gordon asked and looked at Harry. "20, why?" "Just curious. I'm a year younger." A smile crossed Harry's face. "Well, that's interesting."
Knockout and Breakdown were two Decepticons driving aimlessly through Pittsburgh. They were in search of a supposed Cybertronian signature. Anyone who saw them driving without a human driver immediately assumed they were Autobots. Breakdown silently growled in annoyance. "How long until we find what we're looking for?" Breakdown asked through the commlink. "Shouldn't be too much longer," Knockout said as he picked up something. "I'm picking up a few signatures outside the city." The commlink widened to the other three cons in the city. "Decepticons, mobilize. We're blowing this joint."
One of the four Autobots with Gordon and Harry picked up something leaving the city. "Inferno, something's heading this way," Warpath said. Four more showed up. "Make that five somethings." "Autobot or Decepticon?" Inferno asked. "Hard to tell," Warpath told. "We'll just have to wait and see." Inferno looked down at Harry and Gordon. "Ready to see what you've got?" He asked. Harry then smiled widely, red eyes gleaming. "When aren't I ready?" The energetic 20 year old asked. "Energetic, aren't we?" Smokescreen asked. "Always am," Harry said with a wider smile. The four Autobots hid behind trees in the nearby forest, Gordon and Harry sitting halfway between the road and the forest, the elder of the two in his Cybertronian form. "Are you sure this will work?" Gordon asked. "Why wouldn't I be?" Harry asked. "After all, I've been getting the feeling I'm more than just a firefighter from Canada, that I can do much more. Now I believe I found it and I'm not passing up the opportunity." Gordon may not be able to see it, but he could tell Harry was smiling under his mask. That and there was pain in those red eyes of his. Soon enough, five vehicles approached and came to a stop before transforming and looking around. "The signal's gotta be around here somewhere," a red bot said. Harry and Gordon look up at the five and stand up. "Hey, down here," Harry called out to them. Five sets of optics looked at the two. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here. A half Cybertronian and his friend," the blue and white one with the orange faceplate said. "Wrong. He's my brother," Harry said. Gordon raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry, no longer seeing the pain in his eyes. "Oh yeah?" The red one asked. All of a sudden, the black haired male was picked up by the back of his collar by one of the newcomers. Barking could be heard from Gordon's Dalmatian. "What side are you on?" Harry asked. "Isn't it obvious?" The red one got to Harry's level, keeping Gordon away from his reach. "After all, your optic color is the same as ours." It was noted that the color of his optics are red, just like the Decepticons. "Uh, listen, I don't think you should provoke him," Gordon said with a chuckle, noticing the rage in Harry's eyes. "Oh yeah? And what's he going to do about it?" The red bot started laughing and next thing he knew, twin guns were aimed right at him. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry," Harry said, "Now put him down." That only made the con laugh more. "Like I should be scared of you." Before anything else could happen, the two guns were shoved into one of the con's optic sockets and the sound of gunfire was heard miles away, followed by a scream. Gordon soon found himself landing on the ground and rolling away from the con that had previously held him. Mary the Dalmatian ran to Gordon's side. The red con stood straight and reeled back, covering that optic with his servos. Even though it went unseen, there was a smirk under Harry's mask. "Hot enough for you guys?" He asked simply. Orange eyes of Gordon looked over at Harry to see that in place of his hands were the guns used to shoot the con's optic. That was the phrase that let the hiding Autobots know that they could come out and attack for Inferno, Smokescreen, and Warpath burst out from the forest and let loose on the other cons when they were distracted with their leader. Beachcomber didn't come out however. Curious, Gordon went into the forest while Harry and them were fighting the Decepticon car group. "Beachcomber, what are you doing hiding? Shouldn't you be fighting with your team?" He asked when he saw the blue and white bot, the only mech on the team with a visor. The mech shook his head with a sigh before he slid down the length of the tree. "Want to talk about it?" Gordon asked and set a hand on Beachcomber's oversized leg, a slight smile on his face. "It's just... I'm not really a fighter," Beachcomber said. "I hate fighting of any kind." "So your a pacifist then," Gordon stated. "What's that?" Beachcomber asked. "A pacifist is someone, or bot in this case, who believes war and violence are unjustifiable," Gordon told. Beachcomber looked at the smaller figure at his side. "Where do you stand in all this?" He asked. A shrug from the orange eyed, black haired male. "I'm kind of a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. I will fight if need be, but I'm also willing to give peace a chance." That made Beachcomber smile. So, there was someone who also liked peace. Apparently neither of them noticed a Decepticon coming towards them until Gordon was lifted off the ground by the back of the collar of his shirt. "Not again," Gordon said. Looking up, Beachcomber saw it was the Decepticon femme Metaldust. "Put him down," Beachcomber said. "Or what?" Metaldust asked. "From what I hear, you're just a pacifist." She then chuckled and transformed to vehicle mode, Gordon landing in the drivers seat and being strapped in so he couldn't move. Mary immediately started barking at the femme. "Oh, shut it stupid animal," Metaldust said. She was so close to hurting the Dalmatian, but decided against it and drove away with the acquired target. Gordon was frantically looking around, breathing heavily. "Target aquired," Metaldust said through a comm to Knockout. "Good," Knockout said. "We'll be on our way shortly." The commlink ended after that. At this point, Gordon didn't want to know what they were planing on doing to him.
The Decepticons had been driven away and the three Autobots, Harry included, went to meet Beachcomber, Mary at his side. "Where's Gordon?" Harry asked. Beachcomber looked over at them. "The Decepticons took him," Beachcomber said simply. "I wanted to do something to get him back, but I'm not really a fighter." "So you just let the Cons get away with him?" Warpath asked, rage evident. "Calm down Warpath, nows not the time to get angry," Inferno said. "Not everyone's going to be like you." Harry just stared in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. The same day he found one of his younger brothers and he was taken from him. "We have to find him," Harry said when there was still arguing. When he said what he did, every other voice stopped talking and four sets of optics looked at him. "I'm not loosing a brother I just found to those idiot Decepticons!" They could tell he was about to cry because when he transformed back to human form, there was tears pricking the corners of his eyes. That and his expression was angered. Protective big brother is protective. "Yeah, we're going to find him," Inferno said, not wanting to upset Harry more than he already was. The red and black mech transformed to vehicle mode and let Harry climb in. The half Cybertronian slammed the door as hard as he could once inside. "Ow. Hey, be careful with that." "Just drive," Harry growled, key in hand and still attached to his wrist. The other three bots transformed and Mary climbed on Beachcomber, lying down and resting her head on her paws. Sure enough, the four bots took off in the direction they saw the Decepticons take off in.
In the hidden lair of the Decepticons, Gordon was tied up. To what he had no idea. "What do you plan on doing with me?" He asked. "Rumor has it you're part Cybertronian," Metaldust said, scalpel in her servo. "We're going to see if it's true." Almost immediately, Gordon's expression took on a fearful look. "You're crazy." "Am I? Was I the one who lied to you your whole life about you being fully human?" Metaldust asked. Once that was said, Gordon was silent. He didn't know what to think of that.
A week later, Inferno and the others looked everywhere for Gordon and they hadn't been able to find him. "Look, kid, we've searched everywhere and we can't find him," Inferno said as he looked at the half Cybertronian. "I'm not giving up," Harry said. "You think he would give up looking for me?" "You barely know the guy," Smokescreen interjected. "I barely know you guys and look at the situation I'm in," Harry argued. "This is different. You knew him for one day and us longer," Beachcomber said. "HE'S MY BROTHER!" Harry screamed. At that point, tears were streaming down his face. "IF YOU KNEW HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS, YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND!!!" Every bot shut up at that. When Harry brought out his skates and skated away, no one went after him to try and stop him. "Way to go guys," Springer said through the comm. "You really managed to get him to give up the search." "Shut up Springer," Inferno growled. "Like you could do better."
Harry ended up sitting in the hallway of one of the buildings in the city. He wasn't his usual self, nor had he been since Gordon vanished with the Decepticon car group. The blue haired male was panting heavily. Where was Gordon? He looked up when he heard something approaching. Who he saw made his hands transform to twin guns, hiding the key on his ankle in the process.
In the main room, Metaldust was experimenting on Gordon again. Various areas on his body revealed circuitry instead of bleeding skin. "Please, stop," Gordon begged. "Oh, you want me to stop?" She asked mockingly. "I'll stop when I feel like it." A disappointed groan escaped the orange eyed male. He closed his eyes and waited for the experiment that never came. It was then that a sound was heard from down the hall. Gordon and Metaldust looked in the direction it came from. "Someone's here," the green and blue femme said. Breakdown then stepped forward. "I'll deal with it," he said. And with that, the blue and white mech walked down the hall, where he met up with Harry pointing twin guns at him. "It's you," Breakdown said. "That little guy that injured my leader's optic." "Where's my brother?" Harry growled. "Why do you want to know?" Breakdown asked. "I need him," Harry said. "And trust me, you do not want to get in my way." "Or what?" Breakdown asked. Next thing the Decepticon knew, both his optics were missing and there was damage to his internal structure. Breakdown soon found himself on his back on the ground. Harry walked down the hall where Breakdown came from, transforming to robot mode minus his head. Red eyes glowed with anger as he entered the room where the others were. "Where... Is... Gordon?" Harry spat out. Orange eyes managed to find their way over the table he's on. "Big brother," Gordon said. Harry looked to see Metaldust at an operating table with Gordon on it, though he only saw Gordon from the eyes up. There was a nod from Harry before he commed the bots using a secret comm channel. "Guys, I found the place. I know where Gordon is." "Don't do anything rash," Inferno said. "Wait for us to show up." "Too late," Harry told. "I already took down Breakdown. Plus, I kind of already used my key on my brother." "YOU WHAT?!" "You heard me," Harry said. "Now there's two techno-organic a kicking aft. And like I always say: Rust never sleeps and neither do I." It was true. Harry had used his key on Gordon when he had been talking to Inferno once he managed to get past the Decepticons and put it around his wrist again. Now Gordon was just like him and both were fighting off the Decepticons as best they can. When the comm ended, Harry looked at Gordon, who's back was pressed to his. "The Autobots will be here soon. Once they pick up our signature, they'll know where to go." Gordon smiled under his mask. "Good. We could use their help." "We're doing fine," Harry said. Orange eyes looked at him like 'really?' "I wonder about you big brother." On the inside, Harry beamed when Gordon called him that. Both times he had. "No time for that now. Time for fighting." And with that, Gordon and Harry fought Metaldust, Knockout, and the other two Decepticons until Inferno, Warpath, and Smokescreen arrived. Inferno took on Knockout; Smokescreen and Warpath took the other two, and Harry and Gordon took on Metaldust.. "This is what you get for messing with my brother," Harry said as three guns aimed for the femme. Two were from Harry while the third is Gordon's. Three shots fired and more kept coming until Metaldust gave up and transformed, driving away from the location. Both techno-organics went on to help the three other bots until the three Decepticons took after Metaldust. Inferno looked at Harry and Gordon. The smaller and younger of the two has a black helm, orange mask, and the armor on his chest and crotch areas are orange as well. The armor on his feet is black. "Got to admit, you two fought well, even though one of you didn't listen to what he was told." And cue the glare at Harry. "I'm happy in the thick of things," Harry said simply. "And I wanted to find my brother." The blue, black, and red techno-organic placed an arm around the other and held him close. Gordon smiled under his mask. "We still have three others to find, remember?" Smokescreen asked. "Where's the next one Springer?" Inferno asked via commlink. "The city of Chicago," Springer informed. "His name is Samuel Holt." "I know where Chicago is," Gordon said.

A/n: the above song, Money by Manic Drive, would probably best describe Harry while the bottom would be the song he sings to Gordon when they leave to find Sammy.

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