Well This Was Expected

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    It was a cold december night and Allison Jay Winthrop was not alone on her midnight walk. No, because everytime she turned a corner forty or fifity feet behind her was tall dark and mysterious. She quickened her pace and took a sharp turn into someone's back yard to lose whoever the mystery man was. She peered out from behind the house to see if he was still following but she saw no one. Did he already pass? Or was it coincidence that he was following her and finally found his own house? She didn't care as long as he wasn't following her anymore. She turned around to head home but suddenly a pair of dark leather gloves-

    Really? you believed that bullshit? That's cute. But no this was not that kind of story. Sorry to disappoint all the twilight fans. Bet you thought this was gonna turn into a sexy vampire kidnapping which resulted in a hot and steamy bedroom scene with her playing master's puppet? Sorry this is not the destination for you to rub it out to my imagination. Anyway here's the real story.

    Today's my first day at a new highschool. Of course this brought all the nerves and wondering tingles of the first day of kindergarten I had 10 years ago. We had just moved to god-knows-where-ville because daddy was trying to make the big bucks-

    Really? Again? You make it too easy! I mean yeah this one was a little more believable but shit! Seriously, not by much! Now that we have the two most predictable beginnings out of the way let's see if I can make this whole author-reader relationship a little more bearable? I'm going to attempt to not bore you or drive you insane from typical author mistakes that us Wattpaders seem to constantly make. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not all cupcake and fucking sunshine perfect. I'm still at fault for a lot of this bullshit but in this story I'm really trying to turn that around. Please feel free to bitch at me about what I need to change to make you happier. But I promise this time, this is the real deal.

    Oh hey, my name's Sam! Ya know like Sam I am? Green eggs and ham? Yep that's me. Sadly im a girl. Oh yes I was stuck with a boy's name and I'm a girl. This is typical. At least I'm not a Carter or a Raegan, right? But yeah I'm a Sam. Samantha for long of course but that's an annoying name so just Sam. Anyway you'll be glad to hear I'm not in highschool. Thank god now we can stop dwelling on that giant cliché that's been over used more times than Kim Kardashian. Yeah I made a celebrity joke. Sue me. I actually just graduated and moved away from Missouri to Colorado. Oh god, here we go, small town girl meets big city rerun we all know where this is going. But no! Actually I used to live in St. Louis. Which is one of the biggest cities in Missouri. Very NON Country thank you very much. In fact I hate Country. Music, people, and annoying ass boots most of all. Im a metal kind of girl. Been to warped tour every year since I was a freshman in highschool. Anyway I moved to Colorado to attend the art institute. I don't think there's any cliché about this one so I think I'm alright!

    The drive here was a pain in the ass to say the least. First saying good bye to all of my friends and family had me blubbering like a baby. It was like an episode of Catfish. Then hauling all my shit in this trailor was annoying and not to mention I found out my rabbit gets car sickness and puked everywhere which my cat proceeded to try to eat... Why was I an animal lover? Fuck if I know. Those big round eyes and fuzzy ears get to me man. But I was here at last in front of an adorable little apartment. Adorable was the word I used to make myself feel better about how little this fucking place was. But at the moment I'm MC Hammer broke (haha more celebrity jokes. I'm like a bad stand up comedian) and there's nothing else I can afford. Oh well. I was on the top floor which when I bought it seemed pretty cool but now I realized my skinny one hundred and twenty pound ass was not going to make it up there with all of my shit. What the fuck was I going to do? I looked around desperately. I didn't want to be that bitch that roped a random stranger into helping her do her dirty work when they most likely had better shit to do. Ok Sam, guess we're on our own today.

    I took the car and trailor around back and opened up the trailor. Inside I had brought my bed, two dressers, two couches, a small tv, a coffee table, and the rest were boxes of my nick nacks and whatever bullshit that was collected in my bedroom. I decided the most important was the bed, right? Plus it would be fairly light. I started with the frame, luckily it was the ones in seperate peices. One by one I trudged up and down and up and down until all the peices were randomly laid out in my new apartment. Then I decided on the dressers. Also slightly easy considering I could take out the drawers to lessen the load. Once again my process of up and down and up and down. This was repeated with the other dresser. You can pretty much assume after all my shit was in my apartment I was dirt tired.

    I had barely got the last couch halfway through the door when my sleep apnea decided it was time to take a break. I layed sprawled on the couch, feet dangling out the door as I rewarded myself for all of my hard work. I was enjoying my little cat nap with Theo, my cat, quite well when the clearing of someone's throat made me groan internally.

    "Well it's nice to meet you too." Ok so maybe the groan wasn't so internal.

    I peeled my eyes open and sat up to face two Brown Haired, Blue eyed clones. One boy. One girl. Very adorable in any other circumstance except this one. "Can I help you?" I asked attempting my best to sound pleasant but I only sounded annoyed and slightly constipated.

    The girl chirped up. "Well, we were amusingly watching you drag all of your things up here and thought now would be a good time to say hello to our new neighbor." She said with a smile.

    "Dont you think an introduction would've gone a lot better if you had offered to help?" I said, annoyance now very clear in my tone.

    It didn't falter either of them. "Sorry, but anyway I'm Alexandra and this is my brother Alexandar. Feel free to make fun of the names now." said the girl.

    This made me smile a little. "Well Alex and Alex" I said with a sneer. "It's nice to meet you."

    They laughed at my joke. "Anytime you need us we're in apartment 302." said the boy, Alex, as they walked away.

    "I needed you half an hour ago." I called after them playfully.

    It wasn't exactly meet-a-friend-on-the-first-day-of-school experience but it was still nice to know someone.

Well I'm the kind of person that can take a hint. So this is a trial run im not about to post more if no one likes my book and isn't going to read it so do me a favor and let me know. I'll have the next chapter waiting to be uploaded but just a little feed back is appreciated. Anyway hope you like our little Sammy here. You'll be seeing a lot of her.

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