bitches with cute boyfriends.

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Alright you hungry little piranha! Im uploading this chapter in the same night because you assholes complained about the last one being sooo short. Go fuck yourself.

Chapter 3

    I decided to take a little cat nap on my desk while I waited for my sculpting class to start. I soon passed the fuck out. I was happily dreaming about Theo as a Nyon cat when I was flicked on the ear.

    I jolted up right and looked around for the owner of the hand that violated my ear. To my right was a couple. The girl had blonde hair and blues eyes. Somthing I would find adorable had it not been ruined by the bitchy sneer she was sporting. The boy had an apologetic smile.

    "Can I help you?" I asked already realizing that this was going down hill.

    "Uhm yeah we wanted to sit there." Said blondie pointing to the chair I was in.

    "Well darn too bad my ass is already sitting here." I wiggled my butt on the chair for emphasise.

    "Don't be a bitch Ally. Sorry we'll find somewhere else to sit." The boy spoke for her as he clamped his hand on her mouth.

    Wow how did they end up together. She must be a handful! I felt sorry for the guy as I wiped drool off my face. I checked the time to be 6:58. I reset it when I first got in here.

    Soon the class began and the teacher did the typical first day ramble where she set out the syllabus and bored us for an entire hour and a half. It was an art really. I think we should all appreciate the time and effort they put into making this first day so god damn, painfully long, and boring. Hell we could all take a lesson in this. If you really wanted people to ingore every lecture you ever give make sure to start bright and early on the first day. Nothing like bleeding ears and a serious case of fake nodding to start our school year.

    I was in the middle of contemplating banging my head against my desk or jumping out the fucking window when the most glorious sound rang through my ears. I jumped up and sprinted out the door at the sound of the bell. It's a good thing I loved art or I would not put up with that bullshit.

    But enough of my endearing sarcasm let's see what else I could get myself into. My next class was portraits and landmarks 101. I was especially excited for this one. See I want to be a tatto artist and a very difficult tattoo is a portrait. I would love to be good at it.

    As I walked my lazy ass all the way across campus to the second floor of the second building I realized I'd be getting that perfect tight ass I've always wanted from all this god damn exercise! I was ready to pass the out, making my way up the stairs. luckily I managed to fall into my seat before I got light headed and faint.

    The class was already half full and I scanned my surroundings. Yep I hate you all. Good thing I don't mind being alone because i really do hate people. There are only a select few I tolerate. Sorry about the whole socially unacceptable cliché going on but can you blame me? The fact that the American population consists of Directioners and Beliebers running around like chickens with their heads cut off everytime a new song or shirtless picture comes out? Seriously I have nothing against the level headed fans but the ones that are writing Mrs. Harry styles all over their Hello Kitty notebooks? Let's just say there's a special place on my list of Fuckers-I-Want-To-Die just for you sweet heart.

    As my inner turmoil stuck me at the front of the class standing there like an idiot while I glared at most of the classroom another idiot caught me eye. She was staring right back at me, correct that glaring right back at me as if to make fun of me. When she noticed I finally caught on she broke out in a smile and waved me over.

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