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Me , Wy , and Callie: "POTATO !" * throwing potatoes at the guys*

Kylee: "What's wrong with you three?"

Luna:"Are you guys on something?"

Vivian: " oh god..."

Me: * jumps on Jason's back*

Callie: *jumps on Jerome's back*

Wy: *jumps on ryan's back*

Me, Wy , and Callie: "TO NARNIA!"

Jerome , Ryan and Jason; * utterly confused*

Me: *starts playing nyan cat music*

Adam: "Seriously are Kimi , Wy , and Callie on something!?!"

*magically at McDonalds*

Cashier: " Hi how can I help you"

Wy: an we have 50 tuns of Mayo?"

Cashier: " I'm sorry what?"

Me: " and 'diet' water"

Cashier: " are you two okay?"

Me and Wy: " peachy!"

Jerome: " we can buy the the store..."

Callie: " lets go there then!"

Jason: " I don't want to know..."

Ryan: " nor do I"

*back in Studio*

Ian: " what is up with them...

Felix: "dunno"

Cry: " maybe it's a dare or something?"

Ty: " could be"

*phone rings*

Lauren: *picks up* " Hello?"

Toby ( Tobuscus) : "Um... yeah... I think your friends are throwing 50  tubs of mayo and diet water all over my house..."

Lauren: " ..... what the F*bleep* "

Toby: "exactly"

*we return*

Me: " Hey dudes!"

Quentin: " really 50 tubs of mayo..."

Jimmy: " and diet water?"

Mitch: " All over Toby's house?"

everyone except me , Wy , and Callie: " Why?"

Wy: " my idea!"

Ryan: " of course...." *facepalms*

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