Fixed a problem with me

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Dear mommy,

Today daddy talked to me about a certain problem.. You see in the past few weeks, I am experiencing problems starting up especially during cold weather. But daddy as you know always finds a way and a solution to solve any problem that may arise, may it be on his life, or anything that he sees that needs to be fixed.

The problem actually wasn't that big when we found out why am I having such a hard time starting up like I used to be, but the problem lies with one small component that makes my engine run, and it was the spark plug. The one that ignites the fuel delivered inside my engine and makes my engine run, and that was the problem, and apparently, it is not giving the right "spark" that is needed to ignite the fuel being introduced into my engine, that's why it takes a long time to start or even resorts to me being "choked" first to have my engine heat up and operate normally.

From that experience, daddy learned something, that in order to actually fix something, patience is needed so that the problem can be found, and a solution can be applied. When this problem rose, all he needed is to actually observe and learn from the experts who knew how to deal with certain situations, and that is what gave daddy the way to make a solution to have me started without any more problems and without me getting "choked" just to get started. The fuel to air mixture is just right, but it also needs the right amount of "spark" to properly get me going even when it is cold. I really hope daddy knows what to do at this point because I really long for our family to be whole again... I am tired of being alone, I am tired of living my life with a broken family, and it is you whom I wanted to have a whole family. I am not getting any younger mommy, and it's you who I want to be with for the remainder of my days navigatingmunchkin. I love you so much.






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