Chapter 3 Part 2

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Dedicated 2 Pallas_Athena and xxxJinxwish for inspiring me to continue writing. Fan! Vote! Comment!

Part 2

Stephanie's P.O.V.

I can't believe I got in this car but I had no choice. I was exhausted and just couldn't walk for another hour. I was not stupid so I was going to ask him to leave me like three streets down from my house.

When we got to some kind of Pre School Matt told me that he was going to pick his little brother up and asked me if I wanted to go with him and I just shrugged and got out of the car. Standing in front of a gate waiting for the little boy to get to my house.

In the crowd of little cute kids one came rushing to us and jumped in Edward's waiting arms. He was so cute. He was blonde, he had cut little pimples when he smiled and had the most beautiful blue eyes.

"Matty who is that girl?" asked Matt's brother pointing at me.

"Well that beautiful girl standing next to me is called Stephanie" I blushed like a tomato when he said I was beautiful, nobody has ever called me that only my dad. When I looked up he was whispering something in the little boys ear, I seriously need to learn the name!

"What's your name?" I asked sweetly to the kid

"My name is Daemon!" he exclaimed and giggled, he started to move Matt's arms. When he putted Daemon down, he ran to me and hugged my legs. I giggle slipped through my lips, I hadn't laughed in such a long time...

When we started making our way to the car Matt asked me, where I lived and I gave him the directions that would leave me three streets down.

The drive there wasn't a long one. I whispered a thanks under my breath but when I was going to slip out of the car a hand caught mine, when I looked back he was holding it.

"Umm, Dae wanted to say good bye" he said little beet nervous when I looked to the back seat Daemon jumping in his car seat. I laughed as Edward unhooked his seatbelt and he jumped in to my lap.

"Bye Daemon!" I said kissing he's cheek as he hugged me

When he jumped to the back of the car I turned to look at Edward but he was closer than I expected, I could feel his hot breath in my face.

"Bye" I said quickly and got out of the car. I started to walk to the house drive way as he sped away.

As I walked back, because that wasn't my house I couldn't help but that I almost let him kiss me but after all I have been through how can anyone want to be with me. I had no choice in the world but to be alone.

You see

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