In The Dark...

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In The Dark...



All it took was a look in the mirror.

Just one, to realize that it would be over soon. I couldn't fight much longer.

I stared at myself in the long, shattered mirror across the dark room and examined my reflection. I didn't look like myself.

I stood in a daze, my face splattered with blood, that of which didn't belong to me. My hair was tangled and dirty. A knife lay steady in my hand as I stood there, far away from the door, breathing heavily.

My mind wondered off to how this all started.

A knock on my door... a friendly welcoming to our neighborhood. I had never wanted anything to do with his life and I didn't want him interfering with my own. But somehow he made his way in, and because of my niceness and generosity there was nothing I could do about it. I was blinded by our relationship and I didn't take time to figure out who he really was and what he was after. 


I told myself, the knife still in my hand. I was waiting for him. It was now or never.

I hear footsteps echoing down the hall and I brace myself for what I know is coming.

His footsteps were heavy.. he dragged his feet along the wood floor like he was dead.. No heart, no soul... just an impulse to kill. A fierce determination to terminate all remaining life in this house.


Breathe... Focus. 

You have nothing to lose.

My heart was running laps in my chest before the door even opened. And when it did, the person before me was no longer known as my best friend.. no longer a person I could go to when I needed love or comfort... a complete stranger.

He could only be known now as my killer.

With a sickening smile, he walked in and closed the door behind him, and opened his mouth to speak.


"Hello, Laila."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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