Chapter 3

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Hey so my laptop s messed up and keeps deleting chapters so if they keep duplicating or deleting i apologise. thanks xox

The classes sniggering grew louder and louder and I could see the boy's body tense up.

"What the fuck are you laughing it?" He snapped, his stare cold.

The glass shut up. A few of the girls looked scared and cuddled into their boyfriends. But not me, I don't have a boyfriend, never have and probably never will. 'Trouble' stood up from against the classroom door with his arms stil folded in the same position.

"Please take a seat...Trouble," Mr Adams said directing him to the seat next to me.

I put my head in my hands. Oh god no. Oh no, the kid is going to sit beside me. Be prepared to die.

The boy looked at me and smirked suggestively before sitting himself down right beside me. He swung his backpack off of his shoulder and threw it onto the ground. I take it he didn't have any valubales in it.

Mr Adams had forgotten to take the register after that strange incident that just occured, thank god.


"Where are you going, Crystal?" Micheala asked, linking arms with me.

"Ill be back soon, I'm just uh, going to my locker, yeah going to my locker," I replied trying to escape her tight hold. God she was like a bug, never leaves you alone.

"Ok, see you soon. We will be in the cafeteria," she said, walking away with Brandon.

I flashed a fake smile before turning away and rolling my eyes. I began walking down the corridor muttering to myslef. One thing I could't get out of my head was that boy, Trouble. He looked so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on just exactly who he was. I really don't get it though, how he wouldn't tell everyone his name, not even the teacher. I mean it can't be hs real name. I don't think any normal parent would call their kid Trouble as their full time name. Maybe it was a nickname or something he got or maybe he just doesn't like his real name or maybe his a wanted criminal and can't be known as his real name...

No Cat, that's so stupid. Why would I even think of that?

As I was strolling down the corridor in a daydream, I bashed into someone and my glasses fell off.

"Oh my god, sorry," I said and then I realised it was the person I had just been thinking about.

He threw my glasses at my and I caught them quickly. "Watch it will you?" he snapped before glaring and walking away.

Well that was rude.

I pulled out my locker key from my back pocket and opened my locker, shoving in two or three books that I didn't need for the rest of the day. As I shut it over I got the fright of my life. Trouble was standing beside me, smirking.

"What the fuck?!" I hissed hitting his shoulder. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He glared at me. "Did you just hit me?" 

I became quite scared if I'm honest, he looks really dangerous, like he could so some serious damage to my face if he wanted to. "Uh," I took a stap back but banged into someone else. As I turned my head around I could see Brandon staring down at me. My hands began shaking. The were both big and tough and I was just a little skinny nerd.

"You may be abe to make everyone else believe you but not me, I know who you really are, Catherine Jones," Brandon whispered into my ear. Oh no, they're going to rape me or something, oh god.

"Guys, if you are going to rape me, do it now," I spoke softly. I was scared to death.

Trouble chuckled. "And why would we do that, when we could make you suffer so much more..."

Trouble's P.O.V

"You got all that?" Bruce, my boss, asked as he finished explaiing the plan.

I went over it in my head. "I think so. You want me to get on a plane, fly to Ireland, call myself Trouble, kidnap your daughter, don't be nice to her and bring her here?" 

He smirked. "Exactly."

I nodded. Bruce led me through to the office in our warehouse and opened up the secret door underneath the floor where we hide the bombs, guns and other weapons. He pulled out a suitcase and handed it to me.

"Ok. So in there is all you need. Some regular clothes, a backpack and a notebook to make you look like a normal school kid, a fake passport but it should work because it's the one you used last year when we bombed the Allister's funeral, a gun just in case you need it and last of all a file on my daughter. Everything you need to know about her is in there," Bruce told me.

I took the suitcase in my hands and walked out of the office. "So what do I say to her again?"

He shook his head. "You don't say nothin. Just find a way to grab her, don't tell her where you are going and most of all, do not tell her your fucking name!" he said sternly.

I nodded. "Got it."

He glared. "You better have got it because if you don't, there will be con-"

"I got it!" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes before handing my my flight ticket from the deep pocket in his pants. "There. Your flight leaves in two hours so get in your car and get to the airport on time!" 

I nodded and headed out to my car before starting it up. "This is it," I said before putting on a hat and some shades and speeding down the abandoned street to the airport.

I grabbed my luggage and made my way inside.

"Flight to Northern Ireland boards in three minutes," I heard the voice over the intercom say.

I handed the women at the desk my ticket and made my way to the baggage area where the women checked my bags. Damn, I forgot to hide the gun.

Surprisingly, she just looked at my suspiciously and raised her eyebrow befoe letting my board the flight. I stepped on and made my way to seat number 509. There was a women about late fourties in my seat reading the 'Hello' magazine. I rolled my eyes. Can people not read their tickets?

I stepped forward. "You're in my seat."

She stopped reading and put down her magazine. "Oh well. I am comfortable where I am, can you not sit in the next seat young man?" She said calmly pointing to the seat beside her.

I stared at her. If looks could kill, she would be well dead. "Just get out of my seat before I move you myself," I snapped and the expression on her face change to frightened. She buged up to the next seat and I said down.

I smirked. "Well thank you. How kind."

She rolled her eyes and began reading her magazine again. I looked away from her and pulled out my phone to see Brandon was calling me. Brandon was one of our gang members. He was finishing of buisness with an old friend, lets say, in Ireland and was i the perfect place to help me with Bruce's plan.

I answered and held it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Man where are you? School has just begun and target is sitting in front of me for science. Get our ass down here now!"

"The plane just left, be there in about an hour."

"Whatever, just hurry up."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, you better be ready for this."

"I am."

"Alright see you soon," I said as I hung up. Here it goes...

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