Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

SIX SKIDDED TO a stop beside Diva’s group, and took in the situation with grave dismay. There had been some very heavy fighting around them. Diva had managed to claim one of the small hills and her group had been surrounded on all sides by the opposing forces. They were struggling to defend their position, and the rebels were being cut down, one by one. It was a disaster.

With a ferocious cry, and without considering for a moment, Six hurled himself into the fray. The sycophants did not expect anybody to try to force a way in from outside, and his initial impetus led him to the base of the hill easily. He could see Diva above him, close now, her ornate dagger flashing in the early morning sunlight as the chill light of dawn broke over the black peak. Six took a deep breath and then launched himself up the hill, battling through the fighting bodies until at last he reached a panting Diva. She reached down with her spare hand and pulled him up level with her.

“What in Sacras are you doing here, nomus?”

Six positioned himself back to back with her, and they both began to ward off the attackers.

“I told you I would have your back!” he said, between parries. “And I keep my word.”

He could hear the grating of Diva’s white teeth as she struggled to reply. “I need nobody’s help, no-name,” she gasped. “We are managing perfectly well without you.”

Six disarmed an assailant with a complicated twist of his sword, knocking him out with a neat blow from the back of the handle to the Kwaidian’s chin. The man fell heavily, bringing down two more of the sycophants who had nearly reached Diva’s position. Six slipped and had to grab at Diva to stop himself being pulled down.

“Can’t you keep your hands to yourself?” the girl snapped.

“I was only trying to stay upright!” Six protested.

“Well stay upright without grabbing at me!” she told him.

“Oh excuse me, your one-upfulness, did a grubby no-name dare to touch your royal personage?”

Diva slashed savagely at an sycophant who had ventured too close. “I might have known you would come waltzing in here at the last minute, spoiling everything, Six.”

“Well, I like that!” He turned slightly to treat the back of her head to a glare. “If that is all the thanks I get, I might just leave!”

Diva looked askance at him. “Walking out might be harder than walking in,” she pointed out.

“True. It looks like you are going to have to put up with me.”

“Oh, very well. Just don’t go snatching at me anymore.” Diva turned back to her side of the battle, so Six couldn’t see the half smile which crossed her face.

“I do not snatch!” Six grit his teeth. “I was merely trying to keep upright.”

“I bet you tell that to all your girls!”

“I don’t have any girls!”

“You know, I can’t think why, but that doesn’t surprise me in the least.”

“I don’t see you with any men!”

Diva gave the ghost of a laugh. “Men!” she echoed. “There aren’t any men around this benighted planet. Elders, sycophants and no-names! Bah! As if Divina Senate Magmus of Coriolis could ever be associated with any of them!”

Six went still. “Never?” he asked, in a casual tone.

“Of course not.” Diva gave a toss of her head. “As if!”

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