Proposal - Kellic

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A/N: So I'm not going to start the Halloween set till October so I will hopefully post the first one on the 1st of October. But for now here's a short fluffy Kellic for you all! ^.^


"Kell, look. I'm sorry okay I didn't think it would upset you this much" Vic said as he tried to take a step forward in the living room, but I just took a step back. 

"That's your problem Vic, you don't think, you never do" I shouted back as I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out of my eyes. 

"Hey, I'm sorry okay. If it upsets you this much I won't go there again, I promise." He gave me that look with his big chocolate eyes and just like that I melted. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt, I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you" I sighed. 

"Kell, look at me" he said as he stepped forward taking both of my hands in his. "You are never going to lose me, ever. Okay?" I just nodded but still looked down in contemplation until I felt Vic let go of one of my hands to take something out of his pocket. At first I was confused but then ...

"Kells, I know you just told me that I don't think. But if I didn't think would I do this?" He said as he got down on one knee whilst still holding my hand, before producing a ring box from the other. I gasped as I looked down at his cheesy grin. "Kellin Quinn Bostwick, you are the love of my life and I never want to leave your side, not for a single second. I know we've had our ups and downs and one of those downs is right now, but I wish to turn it into the biggest up in our lives so far. So, Kells, will you do the honour of making me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" 

I was stunned, I didn't know what to say. The threatening tears from earlier started running down my face. Vic's face fell when he noticed I was shaking my head and that I was crying but it was only in disbelief. Never in a million years did I think that I, Kellin Quinn Bostwick, would marry, but how could I say no to the love of my life. 

"Of course I will" I whispered with a smile.

"What?" Vic said clearly not hearing me, thinking I said something else. 

"Yes you fucking idiot, of course I will bloody marry you" I screamed in delight as he jumped up whizzed me round in a circle before setting me down kissing me, every fibre of his being filled with absolute love and passion. The kiss was long, sweet and tender and when we broke apart he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I felt his warm breath tickle my skin as we stood there, still and content with life, savouring the moment in our own fantasy before we knew we had to break and come back to reality. It was in that moment I realised I could never live in a world without my Vic! 

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