When she got there

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So as you know crea was in the car with a guy we don't know and she is was scared what was she thinking saying yes to the guy.  She felt very stupid and felt weird. Her stomach hert . What would you do say yes or no to the man. I would totally say no and run away but she could not. So they finally got to his house and she seen a ghost and she screamed louder than ever. Everyone in the town herd her and came to his house even the tv reporter. He did  not know what was going on till they came and crowded around his cabin. He told everyone to go a way but they did not because i crea said do not leave because i did not know what he was going to to me. Finally they all left. He said yes finally now is the time. I said what time now i am really scared. I wondered was my mom wondering where i was did my mom call the cops. Thats when the knock came. wait let me tell you i was tied up in the conner.. thyen the knock came the guy looked through the peek whole and he answered the door as i held my thought about the cops because it was the cops! They were looking for me i was so happy it was my lucky day I thought because my mom came to! The cops did not know where i was hidden because the guy would not tell them. So they came and searched for me. Next thing i know the guy came to the closet i was in and oppened it.. My mother gave me a big hug and asked many questions. But i did not know what to say mom said honey anything wrong.  I could not respond i said no..

The next day at school my friends said where were you. so i juts walked away and went to class! My teacher even asked me ware i was. I said can we not talk about it. Next thing I know I am on the news. I was scared because I did not want to be on the news. I do not know what kids would say about me being on the news. What was her teacher going to say to her. She told her parents i don't feel goo but they made me go to go to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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