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as the night shifted, the settings shifted. kurt had gone from being excited, to yawning and tired. sebastian had gone from his funny jokes, to more of a chill guy. kurt yawned and looked over at sebastian, he was sitting across the room in the chair. he had been helping him out with some french homework. he loved it when sebastian would speak fluent french. not that he would understand it all, it just sounded like magic in his ears.

kurt yawned yet again. "sorry" he said, as sebastian was still focused on teaching him.

"it's okay, tired much?" sebastian asked and looked at him. kurt nodded in respond. sebastian smiled, they weren't daiting. they were just friends. kurt was daiting blaine. he patted his lap, "hey, come over here" he smiled "i will read for you"

kurt looked over at him again, should he? should he really step into sebastian's lap, was that really safe? but he didn't think for long until he had himself gone from bed. he got up and walked over, and then sat down in sebastian's lap. it was comfortable. he liked it. he made himself comfortable.

"close your eyes" he heard the boy with the both american and french accent say. and he did as told. he closed his eyes and could hear sebastian start reading in french for him.

not long after, he felt himself falling asleep every second. but then waking up to keep his eyes open. sebastian chuckled "wanna go to sleep? i can leave"

kurt looked up at sebastian. no, absolutely no. he didn't want sebastian to leave. even if he had a boyfriend. he liked this and he didn't want it to stop.

kurt shook his head fast "im fine, contuine" he yawned again, exposing himself.

"i think it's time to stop" sebastian closed the book and placed it on the small table. "you need the rest kurt"

kurt sighed "okay" he looked around, they had spent all evening studying. sebastian came over, after his warbler's practice. and now it was around 10pm. he didn't think of the thought, sebastian had more than an hour drive back home.

sebastian was totally different when it came to being around kurt. he would soften up, he will lose the sarcastic jokes. and most of all, loose the smirk and the uniform. with kurt, he was normal, he would wear his glasses, instead of contact lenses. he would wear a t shirt and some comfortable sweat pants. he would be there in a second, if kurt asked. he would always pick up the phone at the first tone. but most of all, he would always take care of kurt, make sure nothing could harm him.

kurt got up and yawned again. "im just gonna go get ready for bed, okay? stay, until im back, please" kurt looked at him before entering the bathroom.

sebastian laid back in the chair and let out a sound of relief. he needed to stop, he needed to stop wanting kurt. kurt loved blaine, and he knew blaine him. he sighed, he still remembered the day, when he first saw kurt.

sebastian saw kurt before blaine did. sebastian heard kurts voice before blaine. but sebastian didn't interact with him before blaine. it had been a completely normal day, he had skipped a class, to go out of town. he drove down from westerville to lima, where he found his favorite coffee shop. maybe it wasn't as exclusive as the ones back home. but here nobody knew him, they didn't stare at him, they didn't know his reputation. he ordered his normal black coffee and sat dow, then it happened. he saw a bunch of people sitting in the corner, they were all discussing music. it wasn't before he heard the voice. the voice took his attention. a soft but gentle voice, asking if one of his friends could hand him something. he saw the boy, he saw how his hair was perfect styled, he saw his eyes and he wanted to get lost in them. gosh, sebastian could get lost with him. but that was all, he didn't interact with him, and he lost his chance. and the boy got swiped up by blaine, another warbler that put kurt in the spotlight. and in sebastian's face, to let sebastian always be reminded of his mistake.

kurt came out of the bathroom, 10 minutes later. sebastian had started gathering his things. he also had kurt's phone in his hand. he had checked it. how could he not, it vibrated and didn't stop asking for attention. he had to see what it was. and what was it? it was a text from blaine, saying his parents was gone all tomorrow and that he wanted kurt to come and stay the night. sebastian hissed at the thought. he didn't like seeing them in front of him, he didn't like hearing kurt talk about him. he didn't like the thought of kurt with someone else.

"hey? what are you doing with my phone?" kurt looked suspicious over at sebastian.

"nothing" sebastian handed kurt his phone, he had also deleted the text from blaine. he didn't want kurt over there. but of course he would.

kurt looked through his phone and then put it away. "okay" he then yawned again. he was exhausted. he had changed into his sleeping wear. he looked fashionable even in his sleeping wear.

sebastian grabbed his bag and smiled. "sleep well, kurt" he said before leaving the room and setting his way for the driveway.

kurt closed the door, then laid down on the bed. he picked up his phone and decided to text sebastian, "drive safe" then he curled up in his bed, and fell asleep almost immediately.

sebastian drove his way in the dark. he sighed, back to an empty house. his parents were never there. and his friends, they were tired of partying with him. he came home and unlocked the door. the thought came back to him, blaine had kurt, he hadn't. blaine wanted kurt tomorrow all alone. sebastian sighed, he didn't want kurt to be there. he wanted him with him. but there was nothing he could do, except wait for a miracle.

ps / this is just a draft

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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