Hi, my name is Amelia, I'm 7 years old and I live with my evil dad on a deserted island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. He runs an illegal training camp. I just explore. It's really boring!
One day, I was playing in the trees when I heard twigs snapping. I gulped and went to check it out. I heard voices with Australian accents. I walked a little further. I was shaking. At least people do know about here. I kept walking till I came across an opening. I kept ducked behind a tree, incase they tortured me like dad does. There were 8 people circling around. It looked fun! So I ran out to join them. They stopped dancing and stared at me.
We got a call off NAVCOM about an illegal training camp. Of course CO made me, X, 2 Dads, Buffer, Swain, Bomber, Bird and ET. We walked far in lands.