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      Mia was excited

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      Mia was excited... Today is JamFest!  "Ahh, California! Palm trees, beaches, and blue skies. It has everything! -well, everything except Julian..."   She thought. "Knock knock!?!" Said a voice as it burst through Mia's hotel door.  "Hey WISTERIA!!!!!" Said Lauren,  Mia's good friend.  "Good... something to take my mind off boys..."   "Hi WolffeyCat!" Mia replied.  The girls laughed.  "Let's go see if Sarah wants to join us for breakfast"  "Sure! I'm glad we all got a copy of each other's key card. Ooh, if she's still asleep lets give her a moustache!" Lauren said.                                                    The two crept down the to Bepper's room... or so they thought.  "HEY SARAH!!!" They yelled when they banged open the door. Instead of finding a sleeping Bepper, they found a shirtless Aparri  combing his hair. "Whoa. Six pack."  A fan-girling Mia thought. "Umm..... oops." Lauren mumbled as she shut the door. The girls turned to see Sarah holding her mouth as tears dripped from her eyes. She let it all out...  "MMPMH... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" She marched up to the stunned girls with a sharpie and drew all over them. When she was finished she explained herself. "I KNEW you guys would try and mess with me, just like you did with that triple IRL! So the entire airplane ride here I thought up that SNAZZY little prank to get back at you! And the best part is, I HAVE IT ALL ON VIDEO!!!" Lauren laughed along. "OMG, THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!" "Yeah... heh heh." Mia said. She was to distracted by the complete SNAZZYNESS  (As she would put it) she just saw. "He always said he was hot in the Q&A's we made, but I thought it was just his  ego"                                                                                                                                                                                             Clark stumbled down the hall to find where the horrendous noise was coming from. "Ladies, do you mind?" He grumbled.  "Oh umm....." Lauren started "Sorry Mr.Stacey! We were just going to breakfast!" Sarah interrupted.   "Good. You almost woke Cammy." Clark turned on his heel and left. The three rushed downstairs in giggles and plopped themselves at the breakfast bar.  Mia was still cloudy from the previous events. She needed some air... "I'm going to order breakfast, what do you guys want?"  Lauren and Sarah were too absorbed in their own conversation to decide on anything, so Mia thought they wouldn't mind if she went outside for a bit of a breather.                                                                                                                                                                      "Mia looked around for a bench to relax on. She pulled over her jacket hood and sat down. A few minutes later she saw James walk over on the phone and sit next to her. She was too embarrassed to say anything, so instead she kept her hood on and eavesdropped on James' phone call.  "God Mom, I'm fine. Yes California is nice. No I'm not going to stay here for ever and leave you to die alone. Yeah yeah' see you later, bye. I SAID BYE!" James hung up. "I guess I'm the only one who is homesick."  Mia thought.  "Ugh. Parents, am I right bro?" He said   "Oh my gosh, he doesn't know its me!"  Mia kept quiet. "Wait a minute. I know those fingernails!" James flipped down Mia's hood. "Wisteria!?!"  "Curse my snazzy nail polish choices!"  "Umm..."  

"You know what? I have to get my friends breakfast

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"You know what? I have to get my friends breakfast... bye!" Mia smiled awkwardly and scrambled out of her seat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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