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   Julian missed his snazzy girlfriend. "You know she can do better than you!" He constantly worried. He knew he was lucky to have Mia, but something kept nagging him. "Would Lauren have been a better choice?"  He knew at least with Lauren he wouldn't have all this 'Wistparri' drama. Besides... what would ship would they have? Julian froze in mid-thought. "Is that really what I'm thinking about when I think about love?"  No. How shallow. He stood up and went to his computer, which he now only used for med-school essays, and of course a few videos mixed in here and there. As he typed in 'Jisteria V Wistparri", thousands of websites, videos, and fanart popped up. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples. "What have I done?"  He felt responsible for turning a kid's game into his own personal dating site, with more drama than his mom's "The Real Housewives" show. He opened his computer desk and pulled out a photo of Mia covering his face with icing. He chuckled and sighed. "Why did I choose you?" He asked aloud to the picture. "Why DID I pick you...?" He mentally went down a list of why he chose Wisteria, and realized that... he only wanted more publicity. He had known Lauren longer. She had gone to prom with him. They were best friends. "But then Mia came along and I couldn't resist." " THAT'S IT!" Julian growled. He was putting a stop to this! "I am not going to fill anymore kid's lives with my stupid relationship issues." He went to his phone and was about to call Wisteria when it rang. The caller ID read Bepper, along with a picture of her arctic fox. "When did I add you?"   "Hey Julian!" Julian winced and pulled the phone out of his ear. "God, she speaks loudly!"  "Hello Sarah." "I have some fabulous news Julian!" "Wha-?" Bepper cut him off.  "Somebody very special wants you to come see them ASAP! I just e-mailed you airplane tickets. See you then, bye!" The line went dead. Julian sunk down into his chair. "Great. Just, GREAT!"

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