Becomeing popular

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Okey before we get into the story , I just wanna say that in almost every Len X reader story I read , lens always popular so in THIS story , I'm making the reader popular! Enjoy !

Lens POV

"Hey , Len where's y/n?" Rin asked with curiosity

"I don't know , she said that she would wake up early and -?"

"KHYAA-!!!" I heard y/n scream m she was running away from a group of fanboys 'marry me y/n!' 'Date me!' 'Your kawaii!' They all said as she ran past us makeing us run after her.



"Ne ne , y/n-chan how did you get so popular in only a few days?" I asked her desperately

"It's probably cuz she's beautiful and cute and your not " Len said cooly COMEING out of nowhere

It made y/n blush a bit


"Ne , Rin-chan I think your beautiful and cute!" Mitsuru said as I blushed ..a hundred shades of red

'He..called me....cute' I thought

I blushed ..

"So..Rin tell me how your so ...tall" y/n said looking up at me from her desk as I sat next to her still taller

"Eto.." I started

"Yeah your so tall that no boys are taller than you to make a cute couple with you" insulted Len

Mitsuru sweat dropped

And I twitched

And y/n was..just looked like a loli (loli: a girl who looks younger than her age )

I glared at Len like a demon

"Eto..can we not get mad at each other?" Y/n said in her cute voice as we looked at her

"Sure anything for you y/n-chan!" Len and I replied at the same time and secretly glared at each other

"Well you see , I'm tall because ..both of our parents side are tall..and yeah" I replied


"I see" I said as I saw Oliver walking up to me

"Hey y/n-chan!" Oliver said with a bright smile

"Hi Oliver-kun!" I said makeing eye contact

"Eto..who is he?" Mitsuru said hoping me and Oliver become a real sailing ship (comment if you get the reference or if you get it ~^3^~~ get it ship ..sailing HAH ..yeah very funny )

"Oh this is Oliver , he's my otaku buddy!" I replied but ..for some reason I saw Len glaring at him at the corner of my eye.( to be honest I was gonna write Oliver was y/n's boyfriend)

What's up with him? He's acting strange (did you get the reference? Hah!)

Lens POV

'That Oliver guy , he's makeing me jealous , I can't lose to him! ' I thought in my head

"Nani? Are you jelly Len?" Mitsuru whispered to me

I blushed "n-no why would I be?" I said

"Why would you be what?" I heard y/n ask

I blushed more " NOTHING!"


I was spying on Oliver and y/n , just to make sure they don't date

Twins in love | Len X short! Awkward! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now