Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

What happened to me...?

My head hurts, my brain feels foggy. Now that I come to think about it, my whole body hurts.

I groaned, standing up. My clothes fell off. They were... too small. Did I shrink?

"Open, gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" I said, picking my key.

Since when did I have to look so far up to meet Virgo's gaze?

"Lucy?" Virgo asked.

"Yeah, what?" I replied. My voice was high pitched.

Virgo pulled out a mirror, handing it to me. I put it in front of my face.

"Aaaaaaah! I'm six years old!?"

Virgo took the mirror from me. "I'll get you some new clothes from the spirit world, Princess." Virgo said, evaporating into thin air. I turned over the fact in my head again.

I'm in my six-year-old body...?

Nobody would notice me like this. Heck, nobody would recognise me like this! How was I supposed to get back to the guild?

There was no Fairy Tail mark on my hand. when I was six, I didn't have it there anyway. No need to get my hopes up.

Virgo re-appeared with two small dresses. "I'm sorry, princess, I don't know if these will fit."

"Thank you Virgo." I said, sliding on a dress. It was slightly big, but it'll do for now.

Now what do I do? I'm in the middle of a forest, in a six-year-old's body, with no food, water or resources. Heck, it took us a day and a half to walk here in my big form.
My mind is foggy, too... Why was I here again?

A guy with blond hair emerged out of the forest. He was around seventeen, my age when I was in my big body. "Who are you?" He asked.

"My name's-" I stopped myself. Would anyone believe me if I said I was Lucy Heartfilia?

"My name's Layla Heart." I said, smiling. "What's your name?"

"Sting." The blond said smiling.

I looked the part, so why not act it? "Sting, like a buzzy bee?"

He chuckled. "You mean a bumble bee." Oh yeah. "How old are you?" Sting asked.

"I'm six and a half." I said proudly. Sting nodded.

"How would you like to come with me? I belong to a guild. I'm a wizard, and I have magic."

"What type of magic?" I asked, curious.

"White dragon slayer magic." It was his turn to become proud. I fought off the urge to roll my eyes.

"I want to train to become a powerful wizard! Can you take me to Hargeon? That's where my friend lives, and they said they'd help me train." I said.

"Sure." Sting picked me up, placing me on his shoulders. "So, Layla, you got any parents?"

I played with his hair, which was... surprisingly soft. "No." I said, sadly.

"Me, neither." He said.

"Will you be my big brother?" I asked subconsciously, without realising what I was saying.

Sting stopped. I realised what I had just said and mentally scolded myself for letting the six-year-old take over. My cheeks burned, and I was glad Sting couldn't see me.

"Sure I will, Layla." Sting began walking again. And I couldn't help smiling to myself.

-Time skip-Train Station-

My new big brother decided to get on a train and drop me at Hargeon himself, to make sure I was safe. He left me when I reached my old mansion, believing I would be fine.

"Big brother!" I called to him, just as he was about to leave.

"What?" He turned around to face me.

"When I'm done training, where can I find you?" I shouted.

"Saber-tooth guild!" He said. "You have to become big and strong, so that you can join me there."

"I will. I promise!" I shouted as Sting left.

I walked into the mansion, feeling strange magical presence. A girl with bright blue hair stepped out of a door, followed by an older version of Natsu, an older version of Gajeel, another girl with bright green hair and someone that looked exactly like Porlyusica, except younger and happier.

"Who are you?" I asked them all.

"Queen?" The older Natsu said, "Is that you?"

"Queen? Sorry to disappoint, I'm no queen."

"You are Layla's daughter, no?" I nodded slowly. "Then you are the princess."

"Lady Lucy." The one with blue hair greeted me.

"Who are you, why are you here and what the heck is going on?" I asked.

Porlyusica stepped forwards. "We're all dragons. I'm Grandine, and we have Igneel, Metallicana, Frosty and Flora. Your mother was the queen of all, known as the elemental dragon slayer, because she wielded all dragon slayer magic.

Now Layla is gone, we must train you to be the same. Come with us to the dragon realm. Layla only bought this mansion because it held the portal to the dragon realm."

"Okay..." I was still kind of lost. Frosty and Flora? Never heard of them.

"Will you come with us to train? In your world we must use our human forms, but in the dragon world, it will be much better."

"I guess..." Grandine smiled at me.

"Then come on, let's get started!"

Edited-31st October 2016

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