Chapter One

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Oka's POV

Light bled through my dark purple curtains, hitting me directly. I groan, turning away and looking at my clock. It was 6:00 AM. Sighing, I get off of my bed and run a hand through my messy hair. I felt exhausted. I studied way too late last night. I walk to my bathroom, getting ready slowly.

Honestly, I'd rather not go to school. I mean, I love my club, and I love most of my classmates, and I get to see Senpai. But, Ayano-chan scares me. At the same time, she's so interesting. I would try to be her friend too, but I can't pull myself to actually talk to her. Plus, I'm so weird... She'll probably hate me like the Basu sisters do...

I sigh and walk out of my house after I finish getting ready. I still didn't feel ready to go, as I always seemed to feel unsafe at this school. I really just wanted the day to be over already. I walk up to the school, seeing that Ayano was early as usual. That was so strange that she did that. I sigh and walk over to my locker, changing my shoes before quietly walking up to the roof.

But instead I bumped right into Ayano-chan. I look at her and blush darkly, embarrassed for bumping into her. She smiles at me and I back away a bit.
"A-Ah! Sorry, Ayano-chan..." I say and look down, rubbing my arm awkwardly.
"No, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, anyway."She says and gives a charming smile before walking away.

My heart actually skipped a beat. I had no idea why. I watch her leave, feeling my face heat up a bit. I look away quickly and walk up to the roof, trying to get what just happened out of my head. I walk up to the roof and watch the Basu sisters quietly. Watching them, seemed to get rid of the weird feeling I had. It's strange. I only have that feeling when I'm around senpai. I suddenly come to a realization and I hit myself on the head. No! You don't have a crush on her! You like Senpai! I say this to myself before noticing that the Basu sisters were staring at me strangely.

I blush, embarrassed and I run away quickly. I run into a random storage closet and sigh, trying to calm myself down. I hated embarrassing myself. But these two were popular. They're probably going to tell everyone that I'm insane or something. I sigh and sit down, grabbing my hair, stressed. I just wanted to burst into tears. I hated all of this.

I suddenly hear the door open and I look up to see none other than Ayano. We stare at each other before I suddenly just burst into tears. She seemed surprised and she ran up to me, closing the door behind her. She kneels down next to me and grabs my shoulders. I cry more when she does this.
"Oka! What's wrong?!" She asks, frowning and looking me. I wipe my eyes and hug her tightly. I feel her go stiff before she hugs back.
"Shh.. It's alright... I'm here for you." She says, rubbing my back. I clutch onto her tighter, crying into her chest. She says nothing, just rubbing my back.

After a while of crying, I hear the bell ring. I try to calm myself down and I rub my eyes. She stares at me with a bank expression. I blush a bit and look away. She continues to stare before getting up and walking out of the closet. I watch her quietly and calm myself down before standing up and walking out of the closet. I was more calmed down now, thanks to Ayano-chan.

I quietly walk to my class, barely making it before I was counted as late. I sit down in my seat quietly and look around the class quietly. Class started with a boring lecture. I just stared out the window before I heard a weird sound that no one else seemed to hear. I look at the door and hear the sound of something being dragged across the ground. A small chill goes down my spine. I quickly look away, looking at the front of the class.

After class, I of course went to investigate whatever happened. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I noticed Ayano-chan in her gym outfit. I wonder what happened. I walk up to her quietly and she smiles at me.
"Hi Oka! Are you feeling better?" She asks, grabbing my hands. I blush a bit and look away.
"Y-Yeah.. Thanks to you... By the way, w-what happened? Did you spill something on your school uniform or something?" I ask.
"Yeah, I was clumsy and spilled water all over me." She says, laughing to herself.

She really didn't seem like the type that'd be so clumsy. I decide not to question it and I just go with her story. I was still scared of her, so I didn't want to get on her bad side. I suddenly realize that we were going up to the roof. I mentally slap myself for spacing out. I sit down and she sits down next to me. I look at her and smile lightly. She smiles brightly at me.
"So how come you were crying in the closet?" She suddenly asks. I pause and think a bit.
"I've just been having a stressful day. Things keep on happening to me." I say and look down. She says nothing and nods, looking away. I look at her quietly.

"Well, hopefully your day will get better." She says and sighs, before looking at me again and smiling. I smile lightly and look down, getting a notebook out of my bag. It was full of doodles and notes about paranormal things. Writing in it got rid of stress most of the time. She looks over at it.
"What's that?" She asks, smiling.
"Oh, just a notebook full of doodles and stuff." I say and look at her. "... Do you wanna look?" I ask and she smiles.
"Only if it's okay with you." She says. I smile lightly and hand it over to her as she flips through the pages slowly.

"These are really interesting." She says, smiling to herself. I smile.
"Really? Most people think they're weird..." I say and look at her.
"No! It's really good! You have good theories. And you're really good at drawing too." She says and smiles at me. I blush a bit and rub my arm.
"T-Thanks." I say and look away. She hands the notebook back to me and I open it up, doodling in it. She watches me quietly and I glance over at her a few times.

Soon, the bell rang and we go up, going our separate ways. I went back to my class and I sit down. I look out the window and sigh, already feeling bored from being in here. I hear the teacher walk in and start talking. I still looked out the window. I really would be getting better grades in class, but I never pay enough attention. But I really didn't care. I was more interested in paranormal things. Hell, I want to be a paranormal investigator.

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. Class went by quicker than usual. I sigh, getting up, grabbing my things and going to my club. I walk in and stand in the middle of the ring. I watch as the members of the club slowly come in. And then another person came in. Ayano-chan. I look at her and she walks up to me.

"Um.. Hi..." I say and she smiles brightly.
"Can I join this club?" She asks, smiling. I was pretty surprised by this.
"O-Of course!" I say a little too urgently. She smiles. I grab a choker collar out of my pocket and give it to her. Everyone in the occult club wore this, so she'd be wearing it now.
"Thank you!" She says, putting it on. I watch her and smile, blushing lightly. I could tell that something interesting was going to happen between us.

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