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I was walking out of my photography class. We had an assignment that was due on Friday.

For the assignment we have to take a photo but a person has to be the focal point.

That means I only have 3 days which shouldn't really be hard.

I head to cafeteria with my camera around my neck. I knew it will probably take me a while before I find the right photo so I ordered a cheap coffee from McDonalds.

I sit near the corner of the cafeteria at an empty table and took a sip of the coffee while at the same time looking for someone that catches my eye.

I was then blessed with Dylan with a smoothie and plopping down on the other side of my table. Note the sarcasm.

I lightly groan.

"Hey Babe." He says with a smirk.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"It was quite a party last night."

"Yeah. So."

He smirks

"I think you know where I'm going with this." He says taking a sip of his drink.

When he place it down a ring of the drink was around his mouth. He was just about to wipe at off before I quickly stopped him.

"Wait! Don't wipe yet." I say

"Why not. Do you want to do it for me?" He ask with not a smirk but a small smile.

"Ew. No. Can I take a picture of you?" I ask already lifting up me camera.

"What kind of picture because if we're talking about naked pictures I will gladly help you with them."

I roll my eyes at that comment.

"No. I'm talking about your face. And leave that smoothie ring on your face." I say

I bring my camera up and snapped a few photos until I got the best one.

"Can I wipe this off my face now?" He ask

"I don't care about what you do." I say and start looking through the pictures I just took.

"You should be saying thanks. I just got you an A on you work." He says grabbing a napkin and wiping his mouth.

"You didn't really get me an A yet. But if I do get it then I'll think about it." I say before getting up leaving Dylan at the table alone.

I head back to my dorm and pulled out my laptop.

I sat on the bed and connected the camera to the laptop and download the pictures of Dylan I took.

The first photo he was smirking so I didn't want to turn that one in. The second one he wasn't looking at the camera and the smoothie was in his hand. But the last photo had to be the best.

He was looking at the camera without a smirk and the smoothie cup was still in the frame but on the corner of the table. The other students in the background was blurred so Dylan was the only focus.

I chose that one and did a little bit of editing. I'm not about to lie he looked pretty cute in this photo.

I continued editing the photo before someone knocked on the door then bust through it. Keley.

She rushed over and sat on my bed. I close my laptop and move it to the other side of me.

"I have some very good news." Her says with a huge smile on her face.

He's My Roommate?⚫Dylan Sprayberry Where stories live. Discover now